Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/641

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913.


Milton (J.), his portrait by S. Cooper, 30, 116,

398 : " unexpressive nuptial song " in ' Lycidas,'

328, 395, 476

Milton (Sir Christopher) and Richard Milton, 100 Mine, copper, in Devonshire, its name, 29, 174 Mirabel (M. de) and Comte de Mirabel de Gordon,

130 Mirror, concave, with eagle, chain, and ball, 230,


" Mob "=a wanton, 1659. 268 Moira (Earl of) and Rawdon family, 249 Monasticism in 13th century, a tale of, 389 Monckton (Admiral John), his biography, 449 Money, the meaning of token-money, 24*8 " Money-dropping," use of the term, 288, 366 Monthermer (Baron Thomas), 1340, his wife, 410 Monument, Indian, in Oxfordshire, 286 Monuments in old City church, 54 " Moolvee " =learned man, Arabic word, 9, 92,

212 Moore (G.), his article on Charles Keene, 1891,

190, 236 Mordaunt (E. A. B.), his Index to 'Jackson's

Oxford Journal,' 338

More (Sir T. ), his granddaughter's will, 87 Moricz (T.), Common Serjeant of London, c. 1356,

229 Morison (Arthur D.) and Nathaniel Hawthorne,


Morocco, etymology of the name, 266, 372, 396 Morrice (Rev. A. Ducarel)=Emma Darby, c. 1812,

209 Morris dancers, pamphlet on longevitv of, 106,


Moseley (Dr. W. Willis), his successor, 370 Moss-troopers = Borderers, c. 1650, 11 Moth, cinnabar, and ragwort, 348 " Motte-castle " theory, Xorman, 35


Auspicio regis senatusque Angliae, 49, 97

Deo juvante, 144, 256

Fac sjmiliter, 182

Static bene fida carinis, 37

Ultra fert animus, 436 Municipal records printed, list of, 91, 197 Murderer, c. 1765, his name, 249 Murray (E. C. Grenville), his pseudonyms, 38 Murray (John), the House of, centenary of removal

to Albemarle Street, 286 " Musette," dance advertised, 1726, 306 Museum, Bullock's, Piccadilly, its situation, 92,


' Musica Proibita,' song, 430, 496 Mysticus (Nicola us) and Cosmas Atticus, 34, 97


Names terrible to children, 172

Napiers and Col. Hoe, printing-machine makers,.


Napton estates, Warwick, and Gower family, 30 Neale (Adam), his marriage, 11 Nelson (Lady), her marriage lines and application

for gratuity, 487

Nelson (Lord) among his intimates, 88 Neunburg (G. Vander), arms granted to, 1807,

89 " Nevermass," meaning of the word. 170, 217,


Nevill family of Raby, their ancestor, 48, 197 New Bond S'treet building line, 387

' New English Dictionary,' additions and correc- tions, 147, 170, 209, 217, 233, 275, 306, 345, 366. 397, 409, 427, 446, 470, 494, 508

' New Wonderful Magazine,' date of publicatio .. 348, 413

New Year celebrations in Paris, 481

Newcome (Rev. R.) of Hursley, 1726, 149. 198

Newton (Sir Isaac), his observatorv at Ilitcl in, 306

Nightingale (Florence), memorial on her resi- dence, 77

" Nolkejumskoi," nickname of William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, 410

Nonconformist chapels, dedication of, 131, 192, 236

Nonjurors, estates of, 1715, 9, 77

Norris (John) of Taunton, 1718, 251

Norris family of Spate, 428

Norton (Hon. Mrs.), her poem ' Bingen on the Rhine,' 427, 493

" Notch," use of the word, 1314, 366, 427, 470

Nottingham as a surname, 171

Noiial (Baron de) de la Loigrie, d. 1835, 467

Novalis and J. Stuart Mill on suicide, 369, 492

Novels mentioned in ' Northanger Abbey,' 44!i

Numbers, Westmorland "telling ". numbers, 17


O.K., explanation of the term, 268

" Oake," " Oke "=measure of land, 1665, 508


Japan (Emperor of), 100

Lang (Andrew), 80, 86, 154, 252

Marks (Alfred), 220

Skeat (Prof. Walter William), 299

Wright (Thomas Hawkins), 260 Observatory at Hitchin of Sir I. Newton, 306 " Ocean " in Dr. Johnson's ' Dictionary,' 308 O'Connell (Daniel), his parody of Dryden, 411, 476 O'Connor (Una)=Francis French, 488 Oliverotto of Ferrno, d. 1502, 288, 372, 473 Omar Khayyam, bibliography of, his ' Rubaiyj'tt,'


" On the nail," origin of the term, 47, 212 Onions planted with roses, 509 Onslow (Arthur), tablet to commemorate, 100 " Orange Bond " of Holland, 389, 473 Orientation, walking east mechanically, 211 Orlow, girl's Christian name, 10 Ormonde family, its Breton origin, 161 " Out " for a thing, meaning of the phrase, 409, 494

Pagan customs and institutions, 250, 351, 3.70

Paget family, 468

Pampellonne, owner of school at \\andsworth,

370 ' Pan,' periodical published in London, 1880-81.


Paradise, passport to, 1341, 247 Paris, Christmas and New Year celebrations, 48 J. Parish registers: Canongate, Edinburgh, 50, 9

Col. Chester's extracts from, 90 ; Irish, duplicate

copies, 110 ; history of, published 1829, 410 Parkhurst and Jenner families, 469 Parminter (Mary) and " the Point -in-Yk-\v

Chapel, 487