Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/642

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Notes and Queries, Jan. -25, 1913.

Parnell (Thomas), a reading of ;his 'Old Beauty,

146 Parry, Fullwood, Halley, and Pyke families, 303

415, 497 Participle present and gerund in English, 65, 171


Passport to Paradise, 1341, 247 Pater (W. H.), references in his ' Marius the

Epicurean,' 189, 335 Patron saints of trades, 469 Pear, rnagic, at Coulstoun, Haddingtonshire,


Peers (Richard), his marriage, 11 Pen Rhos stable, print, its date, 229 Pengelly (Serjeant) and Richard Cromwell. 170 Peninsular Campaign, British memorials of,


Penleaze family, 33, 55 Penn (William) or George Penne and the Maids

of Taunton, 49, 116 Penneck (Rev. R.), 1728-1803, Keeper of the

Reading- Room, British Museum, 101 Pennies, meaning of " third pennies," 170, 233 Pentalpha, symbolism of, 490 "Pepper for Dirige," meaning of the phrase, 390,

473 Pepys (Samuel) and "selling of a horse," 328,

496 Peters (Hugh), his career, 1649, 221, 263, 301,


Petitot (William), 19th Foot, d. 1764, 49 Petrpnianus (Valerius), a sage, c. 1560, 288 Pettingall (Rev. John), D.D., his marriage, 11,


Peyeril family, 172 Phillack, history of parish church of St. Felicitas,

401, 428 '

Phillips (W.),' b. 1747, of Petworth, 290 Phrases with double meanings, 167, 236 Piccadilly and Green Park, tunnel between, 387 Pilford family of Effingham, 29, 154 Pilkington (Rev. M.), d. 1774, his will, 65 Pinnacles of church, heraldic animals as, 189,


Pipe Rolls and Cheshire, 141 Piper (H. Hunt), 1781-1864, Unitarian minister,

129, 176, 216, 236, 294, 317 ' Pishoken,' song sung by Hogarth, 75 Pitman (Capt.), c. 1850, his relatives, 448, 513

Place-Names :

Ashby Fallows, 68 Avenam, 190, 275 Bengeworth, 72 Berrysfield, 368, 436 Brettargh, 450 Broadbent, 186 Corio, Australia, 190, 238 Cowes, 285 Esher, 487 Gopsnargh, 450 Grimsargh, 450 Hancock, 213 Leigh, 289

London, Londres, Londinium, 32, 173 Morocco, 266, 372, 396 Rhuddlan, 149 Schortelyme, 250 Segre, 271, 374 Torpenhow, 386 Yedding, 76

Place-names, Yelver in, 191, 238, 297, 352, 416: " ac " in, 430, 512

Place-names of Sussex temp. Henry VIII., 5(1

Plague in London, 1563, 384

Plants, supposed to cause disease, 97 ; in poetry,

identification of, 191, 254, 356 Play founded on Hungarian " rebel " Tekeli. 210,

258, 434

Players, French, in England, c. 1500, 128, 278 Plot, Jacobite, in Oxford, 1715, 90, 174 Poems, their authors wanted. See Anonymous

Works and Songs and Ballads. Poet's Road, Canonbury, origin of its name, 74 Poetry, identification of plants in, 191, 254, 356 " Pointers," meaning of the word, 195 Poison of snake, chemical formula and use of, 75,


Poison of the toad, 87, 157, 256 Pomander, recipe for filling, 149, 213, 251, 316 Pope (Alexander), and ' Memoirs of Scriblerus,'

167, 278, 336 ; his ' Iliad,' 509 Porson and the Greek Anthology, 29 Porterfield (Boyd) ; 19th Foot, 1744, 49, 135 Portrait, meaning of inscription on, 251 Post Office, season posts for popular resorts, 1679,


" Pot-boiler," early use of the word, 128, 216 Potter (Vincent), regicide, his death, 290 Premonstratensian Chartulary, Holywood, 468 Pretty (T.), Vicar of Hursley, d. c. 1725, 131, 175,

455, 513 Priests, pagan, colleges of, in Italy, 250, 351,


Primero, game of cards, 187, 347 Printers of Huntingdon, 207 Printers' proofs of 1812, 444 Prisoners taken at the battle of Worcester, 469 Prisot family, 187

Privilege and licence to publish, 1534, 510 " Prock " = badger, tale of unequal legs, 447 Proofs, printers' proofs of 1812, 444 Provence, Christmas Eve celebrations, 505

Proverbs and Phrases:

According to Cocker, 90, 176, 236, 352

At outs, 447

Bag and baggage, 108

Best company consists of five persons, 254

By a fluke, 26, 114

Carry one's life in one's hands, 508

Dish of tea, 370, 433, 494

Don't nail his ears to the pump, 76

Get one's dander up, 468

Gut verloren etwas verloren, 188, 391, 454

He dwells far from neighbors that 's fain to

praise himself, 507 Hinter die Ohren schreiben, 388, 455 J'ai vu Carcassonne, 57, 137, 489 Lease for three lives, 230, 297, 358 Let severely alone, 228, 317, 353 Like a thousand of brick, 209 Morgenstunde hat Gold im Mxinde, 49, 117,


On the nail, 47, 212 " Out " for a thing, 409, 494 Robbing Peter to pay Paul, 46 Schreib dir's hinter das Ohr, 388, 455 Selling of a horse, 328, 496 Set up my (his) rest, 347 Sex horas somno, 411, 474 Sham Abraham, 269 Silks in the kitchen, 168, 255 Sleeveless errand, 16, 73 Splendid isolation, 14 Spoiling the ship for a ha'porth of tar, 54 '