Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/545

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918.



fefr.ith (Alexander) on Poe, " incorrigible .black

guard of genius," 230, 339 Smith (Rev. James) of Bushey, 1745, his letters on

Sunday observance, 145, 237

Smth (J. Raphael), pastellist and engraver, 477 Smfth (Michael), D.D., of Suffolk, 1762, 229, 371 ' Smith Street Gazette,' 1849, 447 Smyth (Edward), his figure of Minerva, 271 Smytk (Sir Robert), Bart., c. 1790, his imprison

ment in Paris, 169

Snakes, evidence that they like music, 57 Snow ploughed into land resulting in thistles, 90


Snuff-box, silver, engraved with crest, 271, 34< Societies for religious purposes in London, 1821

71. 179

Songs and Ballads:

' As I was going to Darby," 154, 309

' Malbrook s'en va-t-en guerre," 858, 402

428, 461, 515 1 Song of Hate," 209 ' Terebus y Tereodin," 50, 340 ' When Fanny, blooming fair," 68, 119, 173 ' When I am dead, my dearest," 149, 192, 214

Sorcery in Essex in 1863, 478, 521

Sorel (Anthony) and Anna Quartermaine,

characters in fiction, 445 Sorron (John, Bishop of), 1417, and Croydon

Church, 109, 178 Sotheby family, arms of, 59, 152 Southey (Robert), unpublished letters of, c. 1800, 9 " Sparrow, a pipe, and a thunderstorm," a Bailor'"

chantey, 386

Spider, folk-lore of, 272, 395, 491 Spirals, their history, equations, and practical

applications, 90

Sprotborough Church, carving on pulpit, 443 Squares, magic, in India and Europe, 383, 424,

454, 517 Stael (Madame de), her son Louis Rocca, b, 1812,

311 Staff, metal-tipped, with the arms of Westminster.

301, 460

Staffordshire M.P.s, date of death, 90, 156, 176 41 Staig," stallion, use of the -word, 34, 117 Stained glass, portraits in, 15, 36, 76, 95, 159, 198, 218, 286, 344,430; artists in, 1700-1900, 299, 396 ; its importation forbidden, 446, 485 Stallions at funerals, origin of the custom, 505 Stanhope family of Linby, the pedigree of, 418 Stanhope and Finlay families, 331 Statues : Queen Victoria, Medical Examination Hall, Strand, 15; in the British Isles, 125, 180, 380, 468 ; as water-fountain on the Continent, 478, 521 ; of Cobden in St. Pancras, 508 Steamer, the first to cross to America, 1838, 189,

281, 368 Steele surname, the origin of, 387 '

Stenson ( ), print dealer, c. 1 864, 70

Stenson (Rev. E.), missionary, d. 1900, 387 Stephenson (Isabella S.), author of hymn " Holy

Father, in Thy mercy," 70, 153, 344 Stewart family of Mount Stewart, pedigree of, 418 Stewkeley (Sarah), her marriages, c. 1720, 92, 421 Sticks, tally sticks, the use of, in England, 300,


Stocker family, 29 Stocker and Croke families, their relation to

Anne Boleyn, 384

Stocker and Stokes family, pedigree and arms of, 110, 176

Stokes and Stocker family, pedigree and arms of,

110, 176

Stonemason, d. 1869, his epitaph, 296 Stove ironwork and firebacks, bibliography of,

270, 519 Streatham, Thrale Hall, visited by Dr. Johnson,

231, 300 Street-names: BevLs Marks, 91, 197; Wall Street,

New York, 30, 259 ; in Bloomsbury, origin of,


Submarines, first mentioned, c. 1620, 356, 397 Sugar, its introduction into England, 1450, 472 Sunday, its observance in the 18th century, 145, 187, 237


Dyde, 417

En and Cu, 1485, 296

Jeatt, 300

Steele, 387

Tonks, 476

Surrey place-names, curious fact about, 208 Swain (John Hadley), theological writer, c. 1790,

his portrait, 230

" Swank," new meaning of the slang word, 17 Sword temp. Charles I., lettering on, 386 " Symbol, use of the word before the year 400,


" Tabling their batons" at Dunbar, origin of

police custom, 506 ' Tales of my Landlord,' New Series, references

in, 300, 372

Tally sticks, the use of, in England, 300, 459 Talmud, mention of fishing-rod in, 14, 55 Tankards with medals inserted, 445, 483, 520 " Tank," the war machine, origin of its name,


" Tartar's bow," origin of the phrase, 12 Tassie (James), artist, c. 1779, prices for his

pictures, 503

Taswell ( ), actor, and ' The Deviliad," 273

" Tattering a kip," meaning of the expression,

170, 235 Tattnall (Commodore), and " Blood is thicker

than water," 356 Taunton (Lieut. R. H.), his duel with Lieut.

Cadenski, 1812, 474, 522

Tavern Signs :

Bull's Head Inn, 134, 169 Cat and Custard-Pot, 89, 159 Ye Olde Fulham Bridge, 229

Taverns. See Inns.

Temple Bar, its bibliography, 101, 216, 260 Temple family, 230

Tennis Court, Haymarket, the site of, 13 Cennyson (Alfred, Lord), and Dr. Grindrod, 149,

253 ; his poem ' Dora ' and Miss Mitford, 475 ' Terebus y Tereodin," refrain of old song, the

origin of, 50, 340

["estance, derivation of the Christian name, 91 Thackeray (W. M.), his contributions to ' Punch,'

15 ; and the original ' Song of Hate,' 209 Thames, the tide of, and the Tower, 332 The," use of the prefix in ancient Irish titles, 91, 156 Theatres, minor, in London, c. 1790-1846, 376