Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/538

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.

Douglas (Sir James) and Robert Bruce, 28, 93, 194 Douglas (W.) on location of theatre, 331

Source of quotation, 332

Dove (C. C.) on bibliography of Lally-Tolendal, 303

' Burial of Sir John Moore,' 461 Dovecotes, ancient, 15, 116, 216, 318 Doveton (F. B.) on printer's proof of poems, 187

Wellmere Decoy, Lincolnshire, 288 Dowager peeress, retention of title by, 468, 510 Downing (Sir George), his will, 92 Downing Street, origin of the name, 92 Dresden Amen, its history, 87, 171, 215 Drury (C.) on Grindleford Bridge, 17 Dual number in provincial German, 449, 517 Dude, pronunciation of the word in America, 15 Duff (E. G.) on Anthony de Solemne, the first printer

at Norwich, 1565-80, 331 Duignan (W. H.) on Achill Island, 133

Woore in Salop, 134 Dukery, the, references to, 369 Dunheved on blackheads, 253 "Duns" man, 220

Durie (W.) on shoehorned, its meaning, 289 Dutton family and arms, 54, 117, 174, 293, 433 Dutton and Seaman families, 408, 513 Dyer (A. S.) on identification of arms, 488 E. (S.) on dendritic markings in paper, 477 Eakins (W. G.) on Brandreth family, 168 Earrings worn by men, 192 East India Company, flag of, 468 Easter bibliography, 264 Easter Magiant, origin of the name, 34, 136 Easter Monday at Hallaton, Leicestershire, 347 Easton (W. M. G.) on Arbuthnott, 458

Arms of Scotland, 368

Eaton (C. O.) on Suwarroffand Masse'na, 231 Ecclesiastical peculiars, 421, 463 Edgcumbe (R.) on 'The Pilgrim's Progress,' first

edition, 264

Edinburgh Rood Well, its site, 207, 475 Edinburgh University, inscription in the metaphysics

class-room in, 485 Editor on D'Auvergne family, 117

Insurrection, its meaning, 111

Newspaper and magazine statistics, 223

Editorial :

" And the night shall be fill'd with music," 440

Blackfriars, the order, bridge, and theatre, 40

Cicero on augurs, 260

" Credat Judseus Apella," 240

Disraeli, 120

" Duns " man, 220

" Great is the crime in man or woman," 120

"I am Sir Oracle," 440

" I do love these ancient ruins/' 460

Lines on the skin, 340

' N. & Q.,' value of a complete set, 320

Orientation of churches in England, 220

"Peace with honour," 240

Plow, 280

Portmanteau- word, 60

Sibyl or Sybil, 200, 317, 455

Spartacus, life of, 180

" Straight off," 360

Editorial :

" The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world," 420

Upholder = upholsterer, 380 Edward VII., his accession, 187 ; his title in Scotland,

225, 317

Edward, Prince of Wales, 1453-71, 49 Eland on Chinese discovery of America, 129 Elder (Abraham), author, 148 Elegiacs and English hexameters, 321, 514 Elegy imitating poem by Gray, 8 Eliot (George), anecdote concerning, 70 Elizabeth (Queen), ring of, 368, 438 Ellacombe (H. N.) on Dr. Forbes Watson, 247, 454 Ellesmere (first Earl of), his poem ' The Mill,' 427 Ellis (A. S.) on the father of Eustace Fitz John, 123 Ember on Napoleon and a coat of mail, 467 Empire, the, and the Kingdom of Aries, 165

  • Encyclopaedia Britannica,' error in, 165

England and Scotland reproduced in America, 471 England v. Great Britain, 367 English-speaking, early use of the word, 12

Epigrams :

" A little garden Jowett made," 405, 512 " Quod non fecerunt barbari fecerunt Barberini," 246, 375

Episcopal wig, introduction of the, 387

Epitaphs :

" Here rests a woman, good without pretence,"


" Jesusen izena gatik, ez otoi ! " 345 " Shall Pride a heap of sculptur'd marble raise," 46 " This spot where for forty-four years," 476 " To this sad shrine whoe'er thou art draw near,"


"Weepe greatest Isle, and for thy mistresse death," 315

Errors, literary, 387

Errors of journalists, 128, 230, 352

Esquire, title of, 33, 94, 236, 312

Estates, three, in Parliament, 9

Estcott (Richard) de Lanceston, his biography, 444, 512

Ethiopic ' History of the Blessed Men,' 21

Ethne the Dread, cannibalism of, 266

Eton College and ram hunting, 95, 196

Etymology, and English accent, 15 ; and whist com- pared, 23, 115; Celtic, 29

Eucharist, gloves worn in celebrating the, 45

Everett-Green (C.)on the late Mrs. Everett-Green, 270

Everett-Green (Mrs. M. A.), her parentage, 8, 270

Ereritt (A. T.) on Anthony Fortescue, 435

' Everlasting Gospel,' 87

Evil eye, story of the, 47

Excavations near Cirencester, 327, 398

Executions at Tyburn and elsewhere, 121, 210, 242, 282, 310

Exeter Theatre in 1348, 506

Exhibition, Great, season tickets for, 288, 436

Eyre (Sir James), 1734-99, his marriage, 289, 397

F.S.A.Scot on the Glamis mystery, 288 Grey Friars Church, Aberdeen, 285

F. (A.) on cradle commissions, 169

F. (A. W.) on " Many's Chappel," 168

F. (G. S.) on Arbuthnott, 368

F. (J. J.) on Carlyle on " mostly fools," 456