Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/539

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.



F. (J. T.) on " Ance mariole " in a charter, 95

Animals in people's insides, 222, 391

" As right as a trivet," 335

Bell inscription at Puncknowle, Dorset, of date 1629, 365

Bishop of London's funeral, 154

Crosier and pastoral staff, their meaning. 387

Frail, 177

Hand- ruling in old title-pages, 396

Ireland and frogs, 292

Plough Monday mummeries, 477

Rhododendrons and oleanders, 171

Rood Well, Edinburgh, 207

St. Hugh's Day, 15

Selfode, 89

F. (M.) on Waurom, 129 F. (R. J.) on the bellman, 75

Nooth (Dr. J. Mervin), his biography, 37

United States flag, 265 F. (S. J. A.) on an American invasion, 293

Jewish actors, their number, 289

' Paddle your own Canoe,' 493

"Mere Man, "506

" So long," its equivalent, 297 Faber (F. W.J, hymn by, 188, 232 Fair and making fair, 446 Falkland (Lady), verses by, 388 Fall below par " : Kaiser Wilhelm and Rothschild,


Fane (Blanche), actress, her biography, 308, 351 Fanfulla in Massimo D'Azeglio's novels, 51 Fea (A.) on Walton relic, 188 Female worker in iron, 466 Ferdinand VII. of Spain in the 'Encyclopaedia

Britannica,' 165

Fergaunt (Alan), origin of the name, 169, 338 Ferguson (D.) on grasshopper =gingall, 349

Lake, a precious stone, 506

Point de Galle, 185

Register of births on Tower Hill, 329 Ferrar (M.) on etymology and whist, 115

Margery, 194

Mussulman legend of Job, 190

Title of esquire, 94 Festing (Miss G.) on portrait of Lady Brilliana

Harley, 508 Feudal rights, old, 247

"Feuilles de lattier," meaning of the term, 488 Fiction, fantastic, 161, 290 Fielding and Brillat-Savarin, 248 Fillingham family, 448 Fillingham (G.) on Fillingham family, 448 Fire-fanged, obsolete word. 350 Firth (C. H.) on Cromwelliana, 481

Strachan (Col. Archibald), 446 Fishwick (H.) on bell-ringing at wakes, 294

Crosse Hall, 414

Leadbeater MS., 468 FitzGlanvil on hereditary officials, 365

Title of esquire, 33

Fitz John (Eustace), identification of the father of, 123 Five o'clock tea, introduction of, 13, 96, 176, 332 Flag, the national, 193 ; and the Mayflower, 404 Flag of East India Company, 468 Flag of the United States, 265 Flemish weavers, 92

Fletcher (Thomas), 1664-1718, poet, in ' D.N.B.,' 226

Flogging at the cart tail, 28, 158, 214

Florin, gold, its origin, 7, 153

Florio'g 'Montaigne,' 412

Flower divination, 29, 353

Flower game, survival of, 329, 397, 474, 511

Floyd (W. C. L.) on Lieut. -Col. Moorhouse, 18

Fly, Aristotle on a, 449

" Flying Dutchman," original story of the, 308

Folio: Quarto, use of the words, 185

Folk-etymologies, instances of the origin of, 110

Folk-lore :

Animals in people's insides, 222, 332, 390 ; in India, 225

Devil's dam in a Cossack Stanitza, 6

Fair and making fair, 446

Lizard, 67, 224, 436

Moon lore, 27, 96, 154

Witches in the republic of Colombia, 366

Worcestershire, 54, 255, 374 Fontenoy, Irish Brigade at the battle of, 1745, 25, 114,

211, 333 ; the 42nd at, 286, 378 ^ Foot of beef as a quantity, its meaning, 510 Footprints of gods, 233

Forbes (J. M.) on Suwarroff and Masse'na, 108 Ford (C. L.) on " J'ai ve'cu," 105

Latin motto, 478

Suwarroff and Masse'na, 192

Waller, 55

Forecourt at Ashburnham House, Westminster, 125 Foreigners in Mexico, designation of, 389, 496 Forshaw (C. F.) on Beardshaw or Bearde-shawe, 137

Chavasse family, 130

Penny, the, 38

Safford family in Somersetshire, 233

Stewart (Rev. James Haldane), 274

Verses on death of Queen Victoria, 149 Fortescue (Anthony), his biography, 327, 435 Forth family and arms, 128 Fortune (F. N. B. V. B.), his biography, 148 Fortune-telling at Bideford, 366 Forty-Shilling Day at Wotton, Surrey, 366 Foscolo (Ugo) in London, 150, 318, 476 Foster (J. E.) on Cambridge University in the seven- teenth century, 430

Foster (John Edward), his biography, 148 Fothergill (Richard), his biography, 167 Foulis (J.), his biography, 148 Foulrice, its etymology, 229, 353, 453 " Four-and-Five," Orientalism, its meaning, 149, 250 Fox (John Fox), his biography, 167 Foy (John), his biography, 187 Frabbed, use and meaning of the word, 53 Frail, its meaning, 33, 177 France, voluntary mutilations in, 27 Fraser (Simon, Lord Lovat), and his son Simon, bio- graphy and portrait, 16, 51, 75, 115, 192, 232, 431 Freemasonry, the acacia in, 9, 112, 213, 497 Friar's Crag, Derwentwater, 129, 196 Friday superstition, 194, 337, 412 Frogs and Ireland, 186, 292 Froissart, Scottish names in, 28, 95 Front (Mary, Countess de), her biography, 229 Fry (E. A.) on Byfield family, 234 Funeral cards, earliest printed, 88, 171, 291, 332, 414