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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/170

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miſſion and ſubſcription bee acknowledged a voluntary act not forced nor conſtrained by a conqueſt upon the countrey, and that they ſhall have and enjoy ſuch freedoms and privileges as belong to the free borne people of England, and that the former government by the Commiſſions and Inſtructions be void and null.

‘2ly, Secondly that the Grand aſſembly as formerly ſhall convene & tranſact the affairs of Virginia wherein nothing is to be acted or done contrarie to the government of the Comon wealth of England and the laws there eſtabliſhed.

‘3ly, That there ſhall be a full and total remiſſion and indempnitite of all acts, words, or writings done or ſpoken againſt the parliament of England in relation to the ſame.

‘4ly, That Virginia ſhall have & enjoy the antient bounds and Lymitts granted by the charters of former kings, and that we ſhall ſeek a new charter from the parliament to that purpoſe againſt any that have intrencht upon the rights thereof.

‘5ly, That all the patents of land granted under the collony ſeal by any of the precedent governours ſhall be and remain in their full force & ſtrength.

‘61y, That the priviledge of having ffiftie acres of land for every perſon tranſported in that collonie ſhall continue as formerly granted.

‘7ly, That the people of Virginia have free trade as the people of England do enjoy to all places and with all nations according to the lawes of that Comon wealth, and that Virginia ſhall enjoy all privilidges equal with any Engliſh plantations in America.