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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/171

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‘8ly, That Virginia ſhall be free from all taxes, cuſtoms & impoſitions whatſoever, & none to be impoſed on them without conſent of the Grand aſſembly, and ſoe that neither ffortes nor caſtles bee erected or garriſons maintained without their conſent.

‘9ly, That noe charge ſhall be required from this countrey in reſpect of this preſent ffleet.

‘10ly, That for the future ſettlement of the countrey in their due obedience, the engagement ſhall be tendered to all the inhabitants according to act of parliament made to that purpoſe, that all perſons who ſhall refuſe to ſubſcribe the ſaid engagement, ſhall have a yeare's time if they pleaſe to remove themſelves & and their eſtates out of Virginia, and in the mean time during the ſaid yeare to have equal juſtice as formerly.

‘11ly, That the uſe of the booke of common prayer ſhall be permitted for one yeare enſuinge with reference to the conſent of the major part of the pariſhes, provided that thoſe which relate to kingſhipp or that government be not uſed publiquely, and the continuance of miniſters in their places, they not miſdemeaning themſelves, and the payment of their accuſtomed dues and agreements made with them reſpectively ſhall be left as they now ſtand during this enſuing yeare.

‘12ly, That no man's cattell ſhall be queſtioned as the companies unleſs ſuch as have been entruſted with them or have diſpoſed of them without order.

‘13ly, That all ammunition, powder & armes, other than for private uſe, ſhall be delivered up, ſecuritie being given to make ſatisfaction for it.

‘14ly, That all goods already brought hither