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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/172

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by the Dutch or others which are now on ſhoar ſhall be free from ſurprizall.

‘15ly, That the quittrents granted unto us by the late kinge for ſeven yeares bee confirmed.

‘16ly, That the commiſſioners for the parliament ſubſcribing theſe articles engage themſelves & the honour of parliament for the full performance thereof: and that the preſent governour & the councill & the burgeſſes do likewiſe ſubſcribe and engage the whole collony on their parts.

Rich. Bennett.——Seale.
Wm. Claiborne.——Seale. 
Edmond Curtis.——Seale.

‘Theiſe articles were ſigned & ſealed by the Commiſſioners of the Council of ſtate for the Common wealth of England the twelveth day of March 1651.

Then the following articles ſtipulated by the governor and council, which relate merely to their own perſons and property, and then the enſuing inſtrument:

‘An act of indempnitie made att the ſurrender of the countrey.

‘Whereas by the authoritie of the parliament wee the commiſſioners appointed by the councill of ſtate authorized thereto having brought a fleet & force before James cittie in Virginia to reduce that collonie under the obedience of the Common wealth of England, and findeing force raiſed by the Governour & countrey to make oppoſition againſt the ſaid ffleet wereby aſſured danger appearinge of the ruin & deſtruction of the plantation, for preſervation whereof the Burgeſſes of all the ſeveral plantations being called