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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/266

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1637,  Mar.  24.     Car. 1.  A proclamation concerning tobacco. Title in 3. Ruſh. 617.
1636.7, Mar. 16. 12. Car. 1. De commiſſione ſpeciali Georgio dimino Goring et aliis conceſſà concernente venditionem de tobacco abſque licentiâ ragiâ, 20. Ry. 116.
1637, Apr. 30. 13. Car. 1. A proclamation againſt diſorderly tranſporting his Majeſty's ſubjects to the plantations within the parts of America. 20, Ry. 143. 3. Ruſh. 409.
1637, May  1. 13. Car. 1. An order of the privy council to ſtay 8 ſhips now in the Thames from going to New-England. 3. Ruſh. 409.
1637,     Car. 1. A warrant of the Lord Admiral to ſtop unconformable miniſters from going beyond ſea. 3. Ruſh. 410.
1638, Apr.  4.      Car. 1. Order of council upon Claiborne's petition againſt Lord Baltimore. Votes of repreſentatives of Pennſylvania. vi.
1638, Apr.  6. 14. Car. 1. An order of the king and council that the attorney-general draw up a proclamation to prohibit tranſportation of paſſengers to New-England without licenſe. 3. Ruſh. 718.