1637, | Mar. | 24. | Car. 1. | A proclamation concerning tobacco. Title in 3. Ruſh. 617. |
1636.7, Mar. 16. 12. Car. 1. | De commiſſione ſpeciali Georgio dimino Goring et aliis conceſſà concernente venditionem de tobacco abſque licentiâ ragiâ, 20. Ry. 116. | |||
1637, | Apr. | 30. | 13. Car. 1. | A proclamation againſt diſorderly tranſporting his Majeſty's ſubjects to the plantations within the parts of America. 20, Ry. 143. 3. Ruſh. 409. |
1637, | May | 1. | 13. Car. 1. | An order of the privy council to ſtay 8 ſhips now in the Thames from going to New-England. 3. Ruſh. 409. |
1637, | Car. 1. | A warrant of the Lord Admiral to ſtop unconformable miniſters from going beyond ſea. 3. Ruſh. 410. | ||
1638, | Apr. | 4. | Car. 1. | Order of council upon Claiborne's petition againſt Lord Baltimore. Votes of repreſentatives of Pennſylvania. vi. |
1638, | Apr. | 6. | 14. Car. 1. | An order of the king and council that the attorney-general draw up a proclamation to prohibit tranſportation of paſſengers to New-England without licenſe. 3. Ruſh. 718. |