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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/267

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1638,  May   1.     Car. 1.  A proclamation to reſtrain the tranſporting of paſſengers and proviſions to New-England without licenſe. 20. Ry. 223.
1639, Mar. 25.     Car. 1. A proclamation concerning tobacco. Title 4. Ruſh. 1060.
1639, Aug. 19. 15. Car. 1. A proclamation declaring his majeſty's pleaſure to continue his commiſſion and letters-patents for licenſing retailers of tobacco. 20. Ry. 348.
1639, Dec. 15. 16. Car. 1. De commiſſione ſpeciali Henrico Aſhton armigero et aliis ad amovendum Henricum Hawley gubernatorem de Barbadoes. 20. Ry. 357.
1639,     Car. 1. A proclamation concerning retailers of tobacco. 4. ruſh. 966.
1641, Aug.  9. 17. Car. 1. De conſtitutione gubernatories et concilii pro Virginia. 20. Ry. 484.
1643,     Car. 1. Articles of union and confederacy entered into by Maſſachuſetts, Plymouth, Connecticut and New-haven. 1. Neale. 223.
1644,     Car. 1. Deed from George Fenwick to the old Connecticut juriſdiction.