1638, | May | 1. | Car. 1. | A proclamation to reſtrain the tranſporting of paſſengers and proviſions to New-England without licenſe. 20. Ry. 223. |
1639, | Mar. | 25. | Car. 1. | A proclamation concerning tobacco. Title 4. Ruſh. 1060. |
1639, | Aug. | 19. | 15. Car. 1. | A proclamation declaring his majeſty's pleaſure to continue his commiſſion and letters-patents for licenſing retailers of tobacco. 20. Ry. 348. |
1639, | Dec. | 15. | 16. Car. 1. | De commiſſione ſpeciali Henrico Aſhton armigero et aliis ad amovendum Henricum Hawley gubernatorem de Barbadoes. 20. Ry. 357. |
1639, | Car. 1. | A proclamation concerning retailers of tobacco. 4. ruſh. 966. | ||
1641, | Aug. | 9. | 17. Car. 1. | De conſtitutione gubernatories et concilii pro Virginia. 20. Ry. 484. |
1643, | Car. 1. | Articles of union and confederacy entered into by Maſſachuſetts, Plymouth, Connecticut and New-haven. 1. Neale. 223. | ||
1644, | Car. 1. | Deed from George Fenwick to the old Connecticut juriſdiction. |