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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/272

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1657,  Apr.   4.   9. Car. 2. The governor of Barbadoes to the protector. 6. Thurl. 169.
1661,     Car. 2.  Petition of the general court at Hartford upon Connecticut for a charter. Smith's exam. App. 4.
1662, Apr. 23. 14. Car. 2. Charter of the colony of Connecticut. Smith's exam. App. 6.
1662-3, Mar. 24. Apr. 4. 
 15. Car. 2.
The firſt charter granted by Charles II. to the proprietaries of Carolina, to wit, to the Earl of Clarendon, Duke of Albemarle, Lord Craven, Lord Berkley, Lord Aſhley, Sir George Carteret, Sir William Berkley, and Sir John Colleton. 4. Mem. Am. 554. .
1664, Feb. 10. The conceſſions and agreement of the lords proprietors of the province of New Cæſarea, or New-Jerſey, to and with all and every of the adventurers and all ſuch as ſhall ſettle or plant there. Smith's New-Jerſey. App. 1.
1664, Mar.  12. 20. Car. 2. A grant of the colony of New York to the Duke of York.
1664, Apr. 26. 16. Car. 2. A commiſſion to Colonel Nichols and others to ſettle diſputes in New-England. Hutch. Hiſt. Maſſ. Bay. App. 537.