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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/273

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1664,  Apr. 26. The commiſſion of Sir Robbert Carre and others to put the Duke of York in poſſeſſion of New-York, New-Jerſey, and all other lands thereunto appertaining.
Sir Robert Carre and others proclamation to the inhabitants of New-York, New-Jerſey, &c. Smith's N. J. 36.
1664, June 23,24. 16. Car. 2. Deeds of leaſe and releaſe of New-Jerſey by the Duke of York to Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret.
A conveyance of the Delaware counties to William Penn.
1664,  Aug. 19.29.20-30, 24.
Aug. 25. Sept. 4.
Latters between Stuyveſant and Colonel Nichols on the Engliſh right. Smith's N. J. 37-42.
1664, Aug. 27. Treaty between the Engliſh and Dutch for the ſurrender of the New-Netherlands. Sm. N. J. 42.
Sept.   3. Nicoll's commiſſion to Sir Robert Carre to reduce the Dutch on the Delaware bay. Sm. N. J. 47.
Inſtructions to Sir Robert Carre for reducing of Delaware bay and ſettling the people there under his majeſty's obedience. Sm. N. J. 47.