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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/316

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ed, to declare what ſhall have been the average value of wheat during the laſt ten years; which averaged value ſhall be the meaſure of wages for the ten ſubſequent years.

Of this general aſſembly, the treaſurer, attorney general, regiſter, miniſters of the goſpel, officers of the regular armies of this ſtate, or of the United States, perſons receiving ſalaries or emoluments from any power foreign to our confederacy, thoſe who are not reſident in the county for which they are choſen delegates, or diſtricts for which they are choſen ſenators, thoſe who are not qualified as electors, perſons who ſhall have committed treaſon, felony, or ſuch other crime as would ſubject them to infamous puniſhment, or who ſhall have been convicted by due courſe of law of bribery or corruption, in endeavoring to procure an election to the ſaid aſſembly, ſhall be incapable of being members. All others, not herein elſewhere excluded, who may elect, ſhall be capable of being elected thereto.

Any member of the ſaid aſſembly accepting any office of profit under this ſtate, or the United States, or any of them, ſhall thereby vacate his ſeat but ſhall be capable of being re-elected.

Vacancies occaſioned by ſuch diſqualifications, by death, or otherwiſe, ſhall be ſupplied by the electors, on a writ from the ſpeaker of the reſpective houſe.

The general aſſembly ſhall not have power to infringe this conſtitution; to abridge the civil rights of any perſon on account of his religious belief; to reſtrain him from profeſſing and ſupporting that belief, or to compel him to contribu-