tions, other than thoſe he ſhall have perſonally ſtipulated for the ſupport of that or any other; to ordain death for any crime but treaſon or murder, or military offences; to pardon, or give a power of pardoning perſons duly convicted of treaſon or felony, but inſtead thereof they may ſubſtitute one or two new trials, and no more; to paſs laws for puniſhing actions done before the exiſtence of ſuch laws; to paſs any bill of attainder of treaſon or felony; to preſcribe torture in any caſe whatever; nor to permit the introduction of any more ſlaves to reſide in this ſtate, or the continuance of ſlavery beyond the generation which ſhall be living on the thirty-firſt day of December, one thouſand eight hundred: all perſons born after that day being hereby declared free.
The general aſſembly ſhall have power to ſever from this ſtate all or any parts of its territory weſtward of the Ohio, or of the meridian of the mouth of the Great Kanhaway, and to cede to congreſs one hundred ſquare miles of territory in any other part of this ſtate, exempted from the juriſdiction and government of this ſtate ſo long as congreſs ſhall hold their ſeſſions therein, or in any territory adjacent thereto, which may be ceded to them by any other ſtate.
They ſhall have power to appoint the ſpeakers of their reſpective houſes, treaſurer, auditors, attorney-general, regiſter, all general officers of the military, their own clerks and ſerjeants, and no other officers, except where, in other parts of this conſtitution, ſuch appointment is expreſsly given them.