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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/319

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nor, under the regulation of ſuch laws as the legiſlature may think it expedient to paſs.

The whole military of this ſtate, whether regular, or of militia, ſhall be ſubject to his directions; but he ſhall leave the execution of thoſe directions to the general officers appointed by the legiſlature.

His ſalary ſhall be fixed by the legiſlature at the ſeſſion of the aſſembly in which he ſhall be appointed, and before ſuch appointment be made; or if it be not then fixed, it ſhall be the ſame which his next predeceſſor in office was entitled to. In either caſe he may demand it quarterly out of any money which ſhall be in the public treaſury; and it ſhall not be in the power of the legiſlature to give him leſs or more, either during his continuance in office, or after he ſhall have gone out of it. The lands, houſes, and other things appropriated to the uſe of the governor, ſhall remain to his uſe during his continuance in office.

A Council of State ſhall be choſen by joint ballot of both houſes of the aſſembly, who ſhall hold their offices ſeven years, and be ineligible a ſecond time, and who, while they ſhall be of the ſaid council, ſhall hold no other office or emolument under this ſtate, or any other ſtate or power whatſoever. Their duty ſhall be to attend and adviſe the governor when called on by him, and their advice in any caſe ſhall be a ſanction to him. They ſhall alſo have power, and it ſhall be their duty, to meet at their own will, and to give their advice, though not required by the governor, in caſes where they ſhall think the public good calls for it. Their advice and proceedings ſhall be entered in books to be kept for that purpoſe, and ſhall be