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Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/320

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ſigned as approved or diſapproved by the members preſent. Theſe books ſhall be laid before either houſe of aſſembly when called for by them. The ſaid council ſhall conſiſt of eight members for the preſent; but their numbers may be increaſed or reduced by the legiſlature, whenever they ſhall think it neceſſary: provided ſuch reduction be made only as the appointments become vacant by death, reſignation, diſqualification, or regular deprivation. A majority of their actual number, and not fewer, ſhall be a quorum. They ſhall be allowed for the preſent each by the year, payable quarterly out of any money which ſhall be in the public treaſury. Their ſalary however may be increaſed or abated from time to time, at the diſcretion of the legiſlature; provided ſuch increaſe or abatement ſhall not, by any ways or means, be made to effect either then, or at any future time, any one of thoſe then actually in office. At the end of each quarter their ſalary ſhall be divided into equal portions, by the number of days on which, during that quarter, a council has been held, or required by the governor, or by their own adjournment, and one of thoſe portions ſhall be withheld from each member for every of the ſaid days which, without cauſe allowed good by the board, he failed to attend, or departed before adjournment without their leave. If no board ſhould have been held during that quarter, there ſhall be no deduction.

They ſhall annually chuſe a Preſident, who ſhall preſide in council in the abſence of the governor, and who, in caſe of his office becoming vacant by death or otherwiſe, ſhall have authority to exer-