The certificate of JOHN ANDERSON, a merchant in Frederickſburg, Virginia; communicated by Mann Page, Eſq. of Mansfield, near Frederickſburg, who, in the letter accompanying it, ſays, “Mr. John Anderſon has for many yeare paſt been ſettled in Frederickſburg, in the mercantile line. I have known him in proſperous and adverſe ſituations. He has always ſhown the greateſt degree of equanimity, his honeſty and veracity are unimpeachable. Theſe things can be atteſted by all the reſpectable part of the town, and neighborhood of Frederickſburg.”
Mr. John Anderſon, a merchant in Frederickſburg,
ſays, that in the year 1774, being a trader
in the Indian country, he was at Pittſburgh to
which place he had a cargo brought up the river
in a boat navigated by a Delaware Indian and a
white man. 1 That on their return down the
river, with a cargo, belonging to Meſſrs. Butler,
Michael Creſap fired on the boat, and killed the
Indian, 3 after which two men of the name of
Gatewood and others of the name of [1]Tumbleſtone,
who lived on the oppoſite ſide of the river
from the Indians, with whom they were on the
moſt friendly terms, invited a party of them to
come over and drink with them; and that, when
the Indians were drunk, they murdered them to
the number of ſix, among whom was Logan's
mother. 4 That five other Indians uneaſy at the
- ↑ The popular pronunciation of Tomlinſon, which was the real name.