abſence of their friends, came over the river to enquire after them; when they were fired upon, and two were killed, and the others wounded. This was the origin of the war.
I certify the above to be true to the beſt of my recollection.
Atteſt. | ||
DAVID BLAIR, | 30th June, 1798. |
The depoſition of James Chambers, communicated by
David Riddick, Eſq. prothonotary of Waſhington
county, Pennſylvania, who in the letter encloſing it
ſhews that he entertains the moſt perfect confidence in
the truth of Mr. Chambers.
Waſhington county, ſc.
Perſonally came before me Samuel Shannon, Eſq. one of the commonwealth juſtices for the county of Waſhington in the ſtate of Pennſylvania, James Chambers, who being ſworn according to law, depoſeth and ſaith that in the ſpring of the year 1774, he reſided on the frontiers near Baker's bottom on the Ohio: that he had an intimate companion, with whom he ſometimes lived, named “Edward King:” 2 That a report reached him that Michael Creſap had killed ſome Indians near Grave creek, friends to an Indian known by the name of “Logan:” 3 That other of his friends following down the river, having received intelligence, and fearing to proceed, leſt Creſap might fall in with them, encamped near the mouth of Yellow creek, oppoſite Baker's bottom; that Daniel Greathouſe had determined to kill them: had