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with all the promises that are to be found in the Bible. But if the things happen not, then their confident application to themselves, of promises that were made to others, runs into scandal and blasphemy, and represents God as a deceiver, that promises and does not perform. But though the promises to them, are not promises to us, yet the consideration of them is of great use to engage our obedience, and encourage our hope, when we see how liberally God bestowed upon them temporal blessings; and though we cannot infer from thence that we shall be blessed in the same manner, we may infer the same love and care of us, and acceptance of our faithful service. In this sense, 'whatsoever things were written afore-time, were written for our learning, that we, thro' patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope,' Rom. xv. 4.

2. Those promises, which concern all good men, are not promises of prosperity, but of God's protection and care of them in every condition, and causing 'all things to work together for good to them that love God, Rom. viii. 28.]] Nothing shall happen to them without his notice and allowance. It may be good for them to be afflicted: and therefore the same love of God sometimes prevents afflictions from befalling them, sometimes delivers them after they have suffered a little; sometimes keeps them for a long time under severe discipline, but comforts and supports them all the while: 'The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand,' Psalm xxxvii. 23, 24. 'God will not forsake him, nor forget his complaint;' If troubles abound, 'Consolations shall abound much more. Tho' the outward man perish, the inward man is renewed day by day,' 2 cor. iv. 16. 'The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations,' I Pet. ii. 9. either by keeping them out of that condition, in which they will be tempted, or so assisting them with his grace, that they shall not fall into that sin, (for example, that apostasy) to which they are tempted, tho' they may fall into that persecution, from whence very strong temptations to apostasy may arise. 'God is faith-