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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 41.djvu/886

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Barnes, A. Agriculture of South America 708
Barter, S. Manual Instruction: Woodwork 853
Beardmore, W. L. Drainage of Habitable Dwellings 708
Benedict, W. R. Psychological Table 709
Black, G. A. History of Municipal Land Ownership on Manhattan Island 424
Bolton, H. C. Scientific Correspondence of Joseph Priestley 130
Bottone, S. R. Guide to Electric Lighting 419
Brinton, D. G. Studies in South American Native Languages 707
Brockney, F. J. Essentials of Physics 274
Bryant, W. M. World-energy and its Self-conservation 556
Carlyle, Thomas. Last Words of 555
Cheney, S. P. Wood-notes Wild 424
Chisholm, G. G., and C. H. Leete. Longmans' New School Atlas 705
Ciaffii, F. Baratto dei Biglietti di Banca 706
Citizens' Money. A. B. Westrup 425
Claus, C. Elementary Test-book of Zoölogy 131
Colbert, E. Humanity in its Origin and Early Growth 708
Coltman, R. The Chinese, their Present and Future 856
Columbia College. Report of the President, 1891 421
Comstock, T. B. Resources of the Central Mineral Region of Texas 134
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Report 421
Cowperthwait, J. H. Money, Silver, and Finance 557
Creighton, C. History of Epidemics in Britain 554
Crosby, O. T., and L. Bell. The Electric Railway in Theory and Practice 129
Curtis, M. M. Philosophy and Physical Science 857
Davies, C. Elementary Algebra 423
Davies, N. S., Jr., M. D. Consumption; how to Prevent it, and how to Live with it 423
Denning, D. Art and Craft of Cabinet-making 274
Dolbear, A. E. Matter, Ether, and Motion 851
Dorsey, J. O. The Cegiha Language 854
Douglas, C. A. Financial History of Massachusetts 425
Duvar, J. H. The Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages 853
Encyclopædie Scientiflque des Aide-mémoire 420
Engineering and Mining Journal. Mineral Statistics for 1691 423
Evans, T. American Citizenship 275
Falkener, E. Games, Ancient and Oriental 556
Fernow, B. E. Timber Physics 708
Findlay, G. Working and Management of an English Railway 271
Fisher, A. B. (Buckley). Moral Teachings of Science 268
Fiske, J. Discovery of America 416
Flick, T. Three Circuits 419
Flower, W. H. Horse, The 270
Flügel, E. Thomas Carlyle's Moral and Religious Development 134
Food, Monthly 706
Fraenkel, C. Text-book of Bacteriology 128
Fryer, J. Chinese Scientific and Industrial Magazine 273
Gage, S. H. Microscope and Histology 134
Gatschet, A. S. The Klamath Indians of Southwestern Oregon 854
Geography. Elementary, of the British Colonies 855
Good Roads. I. B. Potter, Editor 422
Gordon, H. L. Feast of the Virgins, and other Poems 424
Gould, G. M. Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Prevalent Epidemic of Quackery 855
Gouley, J. W. S. Diseases of the Urinary Apparatus 272
Greer, H. Recent Advances in Electricity 132
Greswell, W. P. Geography of Africa South of the Zambesi 708
Griswold, W. M. Descriptive List of Romantic Novels 132
Hall, H. Ethan Allen, the Robin Hood of Vermont 852
Hellyer, S. S. Principles and Practice of Plumbing 269
Hempel, W. Methods of Gas Analysis 274
Henry, C. Les Odeurs 855
Holbrook, M. L. The Hygienic Treatment of Consumption 856
Hudson, W. H. Satan of Theology 135
Humanity and Health. E. A. Jennings, M.D., Editor 423
Humanity's Spreading Curse 709
Huxley, T. H. Essays upon some Controverted Questions 849
Illinois. Report of the State Entomologist, 1889 421
Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station. Report 421
International Prison Congress, Fourth 422
James, G. F., compiler. Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the National Conference on University Extension 851
Jew, The, at Home 558
Journal of Comparative Neurology. C. H. Herrick, Editor 419
Journal of Physiology. M. Foster, Editor 422
Journal of Physiology. M. Foster, Editor 707