Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/7

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I N D E X.


Volume 90 — January-June, 1917

Ruth Law Makes Record Flight 106
Dangling 'Twixt Earth and Sky from a Zeppelin 185
The Night Mail 369
The Motor Goose 370
A Bird-like Airplane 375
Ruth Law's Triplane 378
The Cavalry Horse of the Air 397
Making the Airplane Tire a Hundred Per Cent Efficient 414
Searchlights Watching for Airplanes 490
Shooting at Bird-Men with the New French Guns 512
Why Zeppelins Are Frightful 518
The Aerial Taxicab 542
An Airplane Propeller Made of Lacquer 671
How Aviators Land Safely at Night 680
Torpedoing from an Airplane 690
A Twelve-Cylinder Airplane Engine 696
A Shock-Absorbing Airplane Wheel 855
Adding the Motorcycle to Airplane Equipment 864
Tempering the Wind to the Farm with Tree 30
Farming in Your Cellar 55
How the Forest Service Gathers Pine Seeds 67
Making the Automobile Do the Chores 119
A Knitting Needle Used for Testing Milk 146
Growing Chrysanthemums 169
Shipping Day-Old Chicks Is Profitable at Both Ends 190
A Spinal-Column Harness for the Workman 194
Growing Potatoes on the Roots of a Tomato Plant 203
Taking Care of Honey Bees During the Winter 206
Wall Street Goes a-Farming 233
Comfortable Cork Brick Flooring for Cattle 255
New Cream Separator Governor Is Based on Novel Principles 423
Mothering Orphaned Animals with a Make-Believe Nipple 437
Modern Conveniences on the Farm 444
The Amount and Distribution of Water on a Farm 451
Modern Squabhouse Construction 453
A Bulletin Board for Making Sales of Farm Produce 463
A Method of Keeping a Rabbit's Cage Clean 464
Stimulating a Plant's "Digestion" by Electricity 510
Making Hogs Grind Their Own Grain Food 511
Quartering Potatoes for Seed with a New Double-Blade Cutter 596
Converting an Automobile into a Farm Workhorse 598
An Easily Constructed Pan for Sterilizing Dairy Utensils 617
A Combined Waterpot and Hoe 728
Portable Saw and Pump Outfits 746
Grow Potatoes in Window-Boxes 746
Coaxing Birds to Your Garden 756
Making a Small Colony Poultry House 776
Planting Strawberries by Machine 870
Plowing the Farm by Automobile 881
Enveloping Trees in Freezers to Study Temperature Effects 882
Entertaining the Crow 892
Picking Fruit from Tall Trees While Standing on the Ground 897
An Improvised Tree Sprayer and Fire Engine Combined 909
Rain When the Farmer Wants It 913
Killing the Insect Pests of Trees with Poisonous Gas 915
Curing an Auditorium of Echoes 241
A German Village on American Soil 424
A Million-Dollar Schoolhouse 496
A Thousand-Dollar Playhouse 498
Liberty's Torch 552
A Hollow Waterproof Tile Building Block 679
A World's Fair Skyscraper 716
A "Crazy Patch" House 807
Reducing Fire Hazards 868
Protecting Canal Zone Buildings with an Oil Moat for Insects 882
A Tree That Served as a Home and Is Now a Bandstand 902
A Five-room Bungalow 931
The Most Wonderful World in the Universe 264
Is Space Itself Luminous? 271
Prospecting the Skies 903
Chemistry — An Important Factor in Criminology 42
Making Imitation Leather from Paper Preparations 113
A Mixture for Cleaning Paint 121
Chemically Hardening and Dust-Proofing Floors 302
A Vest-Pocket Sterilizer 400
Potash from Seaweed — An Industry in the Making 575
How Paints Are Made 593
Goggles to Be Used When Making Chemical Experiments 610
Oxidizing Iron with Fumes from, Acids 612
Try Artificial Milk 680
Dried Vegetables 698
Another Outcome of the War — The American Evaporated Vegetable 727
Writing Paper Made from Spinach Stems 742
Making Artificial Cream that Rivals the Original 749
The Wonders of Coal Tar 874
A Convenient Method of Handling Dangerous Acids 929
Making a Paint That Will Stand Washing 930
Laying Pipes in a New Zealand River 40
Endangering Your Life for an Imaginary Line 99
A Wooden Boulevard Over the Desert 116
Suppose New York's Harbor Were Drained 164
France Completes the World's Largest Tunnel 197
Protecting San Francisco's Beach 259
Widening a River with a Steam Shovel 343
How the Office Adding Machine Is Employed in Surveying 348
The Spaulding Dam 507
Traffic Highways Under the Hudson River 508
A Grass Bridge. A Remarkable Feat in Civil Engineering 564
How Baltimore Protects Newly Paved Streets and Saves Time and Trouble 596
It's Sheer Weight That Keeps a Pier in Place 600
Surveying Wagon 645
As a Lineman He Has Climbed Eight Hundred Miles 665
Hammering Road-Beds to Make Them Even 733
Making Floods Work 738
Measurements of the Valleys of the Deep 748
One of the Longest Tunnels in the World Is Planned for New York 750
Seeing the Sounds That You Sing 29
An Electric Light Attachment for Eye-Shades 30
Finding the Keyhole at Night 60