Preachers (continued)
Barzia, Joseph de, 27. 33. 134—154. 178
Basil, St., 8
Basil of Seleucia, 9
Bede, the Venerable, 10
Biel, Gabriel, 12. 61—68
Borgia, Francis, 132
Bourdaloue, 60
Brydame, Jacques, 45—47
Cæsarius of Aries, St., 9
Camus, Bp. of Belley, 14
Capistran, St. John, 57
Celles, Peter of, 43
Chrysostom, St., 8
Claude, 54
Clement of Alexandria, St., 7
Coster, Francis, 206—236
Cyprian, St., 7, 8
Damascene, St. John, 10
Deza, Maximilian, 192—205
Ephraem Syrus, St., 7
Eucher, St., 9
Faber, Matthias, 31. 49—54. 100—115
Foulque de Neuilly, 11
Geminiano, John, 58, 59. 145
Gonthier, le Père, 16
Granada, Louis of, 12
Gregory the Great, St., 8
Gregory Nazianzen, St., 8
Guerin, le Père, 15
Guevara, Antonio de, Bp. of Mondoneda, 56
Harphius, Henry, 22. 158
Harrone, le Père d’, 60
Hartung, Philip von, 29. 43. 116—133
Helmesius, 26. 135
Imbert, Father, 19
Kempis, St. Thomas à, 22
Konigstein, 25
Labat, 17
Langton, Stephen, 43
Latimer, Hugh, 60
Leo, St., 8
Macarii, the, 7
Maillard, Oliver, 12, 13. 43. 70
Marchant, Jacques, 40. 136. 155—176
Meffreth, 70. 81—99
Menot, Michael, 21. 70
Narni, Jerome de, [[Page:Post-Mediaeval Preachers.djvu/66}56]]
Narni, Philip de, 12
Neuilly, Foulque de, 11
Origen, 7
Osorius, John, 33, 34. 177—191
Pantænus, St., 7
Paoletti, 56
Polygranus, 26
Raulin, Jean, 69—80
Salvian, 9
Satan, 81
Savonarola, 12
Segneri, Paolo, 60. 134. 194
Simeon, Mr., 54, 55
Stella, 39, 40
Turricremata, John, 22
Valerian of Cemele, 9
Venerable Bede, 10
Vieyra, Antonio, 60
Wulfstan of York, 10
Protestant preachers, 23—25
Proverbs, 114, 115
Relation between Nature and Revelation, 28, 29
Scott the commentator, 39. 235, 236
Scriptural illustrations, 34. 37
Sermons for,—
First Sunday in Advent, 198—202
Christmas Day, 14. 25
St. John’s Day, 153, 154
Sunday after Christmas Day, 148—153
Epiphany, 70—73
First Sunday after Epiphany, 107—110. 119—125
Sexagesima, 85—87
Septuagesima, 64—68
Ash-Wednesday, 194—198
First Sunday in Lent, 213—236
Fourth Sunday in Lent, 103—107
Palm Sunday, 111—113
Good Friday, 169—171
Easter Day, 110, 111
Easter Monday, 172, 173
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