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Page:Rite of Consecration of a Catholic Bishop.djvu/14

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℟. Assentio et ita credo.

A. I assent, and so I believe.

Int. Credis singulam quamque in sancta Trinitate personam unum Deum, verum, plenum, et perfectum?

Q. Dost thou believe that, in the Holy Trinity, each Person is the one true, full, and perfect God?

℟. Credo.

A. I do believe.

Int. Credis ipsum Filium Dei, verbum Dei æternaliter natum de Patre, consubstantialem, co-omnipotentem, et co-æqualem per omnia Patri in divinitate, temporaliter natum de spiritu sancto ex Maria semper virgine cum anima rationali, duas habentem nativitates, unam ex Patre æternam, alteram ex matre temporalem, Deum verum et hominem verum, proprium in utraque natura atque perfectum, non adoptivum nec phantasmaticum, sed unicum et unum Filium Dei in duabus et ex duabus naturis, sed in unius personæ singularitate, impassibilem et immortalem divinitate, sed in humanitate pro nobis et pro salute nostra passum vera carnis passione et sepultum, ac tertia die resurgentem a mortuis vera carnis resurrectione; die quadragesimo post resurrecti-

Q. Dost thou believe, that the very Son of God, the Word of God, born of the Father from all eternity, consubstantial, of the same power, and in all things co-equal with the Father in Deity, was born in time of the Holy Ghost from Mary ever virgin; having two births, one before all ages from the Father, the other in time from a Mother; that He is true God and true Man, proper and perfect in both natures; not an adopted nor ideal son, but the only and the one Son of God; in two natures and of two natures, but in the singleness of one Person, impassible and immortal in His Godhead; and yet, that in His human nature, He suffered for us, by a true suffering of the flesh, and was buried; and, with a true resurrection of the flesh, rose again on the third day; and that on the for-