onem cum carne, qua resurrexit, et anima ascendisse ad cœlum, et sedere ad dexteram Patris; inde venturum judicare vivos et mortuos; et redditurum unicuique secundum opera sua, sive bona fuerint sive mala? |
tieth day after His resurrection, with the flesh in which He rose, and with His soul, He ascended into Heaven; and that He sitteth on the right hand of the Father, and thence will come to judge the living and the dead; and will render to every one according to his works, whether they be good, or whether they be evil? |
℟. Assentio, et ita per omnia credo. |
A. I assent, and so in every point I do believe. |
Int. Credis etiam Spiritum sanctum, plenum, et perfectum, verumque Deum, a Patre et Filio procedentem, co-æqualem, et co-essentialem, co-omnipotentem, et co-æternum per omnia Patri et Filio. |
Q. Dost thou likewise believe, that the Holy Ghost is full, and perfect, and true God, proceeding from the Father and the Son, co-equal and co-essential, co-omnipotent, and co-eternal, in all things, with the Father and the Son? |
℟. Credo. |
A. I believe. |
Int. Credis hanc sanctam Trinitatem, non tres Deos, sed unum Deum omnipotentem, æternum, invisibilem, et incommutabilem? |
Q. Dost thou believe this Holy Trinity to be, not three Gods, but One God Almighty, eternal, invisible, unchangeable? |
℟. Credo. |
A. I believe. |
Int. Credis sanctam, Catholicam et Apostolicam, unam esse veram Ecclesiam, in qua unum datur verum Baptisma, et vera omnium remissio peccatorum? |
Q. Dost thou believe, that the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is the one true Church, in which the one true baptism is given, and the true remission of all sins? |
℟. Credo. |
A. I believe. |