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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/201

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A. D. 1306* Anno tricefimo quarto Edwardi I. Stat. 3, 1 5.5 Articles of Inquifition upoit the Statute of Winchefter, viz. An Inquiry how the particular Branches of that Statute be performed, and by whom broken, made 34 Edw. I. Stat. 2. Anno Dom.. 1306. E perantiquo MS*. O D U S inquirendi de ftatuto Winton' Quomodo obfervetur. Et qui ea que con- ftituuntur in ftatuto ex ftatuto edito obfer- vaverint aut non permiferint obfervari. De robe- riis & feloniis fa£tis poft pafcha anno regni Regis Edwardi XIIII. & qualiter de roberiis fecte fue- rint fadte & ubi & per quos di£te robberie fa&e funt. . Et fi de corporibus hujufmodi malefactorum ■vicecomites hucufque refponderunt fecundum fta- tutum. Et fi porte civitatum & magnorum bur- gbrum claufe fint ab occafu folis ufque ad ortum. Et fi aliqui extranei hofpitati fint in fuburbiis vel in forinfeca parte ville nifi de die & tunc fint tales pro quibus hofpes voluerit refpondere. Et qualiter ballivi & miniftri villarum fecerint inquifitiones. Et fi vigilie facie fuerint fecundum ftatutum. Et fi" vigilatores debito modo fecerint vigilias. Et fi regales vie a villis mercatoriis elargate fint, & qui eas elargiafle debuerat, & qui elargiationem impe- diunt. Et fi omnes inter xv annos & Ix fint ju- rati ad confervationem pacis. Et fi habeant arma in domibus fuis prout ftatuitur. .Et-fi cqnftabula- rii fecerint vifum armorum. Et fi ballivi liberta- tum & alii venerunt ad hutefium levatum prout ftatuitur. THE Manner of inquiring upon the Statute of Winche/ier : when it is obferved, and when. - not, (z) and of fuch as have obferved the faid Statute, and of fuch as have not fuffered the Con- tents thereof to be obferved. (3) Of Felonies and Robberies committed after Eafler, the * thirteenth * ^ ead /""- Year of the Reign of King Edward, f and in what 'T'S' A d ■ Manner fuch Felonies were done, where and by whom nv hat Manner done ; (4) J and the Suits by Inquefis, according, to the Suits -were made Tenor of the Statutes made thereupon after j ( ej and if after Robberies, the Sheriffs-have anfwered for the Bodies of fuch Of- andtvbecand fenders, II or. not. (6) And if the Gates of the Cities % ^"ff" c h ' AU v ' n r , — . r , o Robberies -were or great 1 owns were ihut from the 1 ime of the bun committed. going down until the Sun-rifing. (7) And if any J Not in Orig. Strangers or their Chatties were lodged in the Sub- || Read m-Mr- urbs, or in the Out-parts of the City, except it were d '"£ f "^" Sta - in the Day, * for whom their Hojis zvouid not anfiver ; '^R ead mct ti „ (3) and alfo how Bailiffs and other Officers of Towns //, thembe fucb have made Inquiry thereof. (9) And if Watches fir -wbom'their have been kept in fuch Sort as is contained in the faid H °fi «"'// an. Statute, or not, and how the Watchmen have kept ' wer ' their Watch. "(10) And if the King's Highways from one Market Town to. another be enlarged, 4- as well in our Lord the King's own Woods, as elfe- + Not '" 0r '£' zvhere, according to. the Statute ; and if. they be -not en- larged, to enquire what Ways, and where they be, and <who ought to have enlarged them, and of fuch as do' hinder fuch Enlargements, ** as ivell in Parks as ** NothOrig. in other Woods. ( 1 1) Alfo if all between the Age of Fifteen and Sixty be fworn to keep the Peace : (iz) Alfo if they have Weapons in their Houfes,'. ac- ff Not U Orig. cording to the Quantity of their Lands and Goods, for Maintenance of the Peace according to the Statute, (13) And alfo if Conftables do make View of Armour in due Manner, %%-and of other Things belonging to their XX N°t In Orig. Office, or not. (-14) Alfo if ill Sheri orefiers ijfs, Hundreders, || || Not in Orig. Bailiffs of Liberties, and qf^T Forefters, have come at tfltf Re3d0ti.cn. Huy and Cry levied, +4- and. if they- have made Pur- 44 Nat tndrig. fuit for keeping the Kings Peace according to the Sta- tute, or noi;.' A Statute of Amortifing Lands, made Anno 34 Edw. I; Stat. 3 a . That Lands fhall not be aliened in Mortmain, where-there-beMefn.es, without their Confent. DE conceflione Domini Regjs faciertda fuper

  • » t a ^Ouching the King's Grant to be made upon 9H.3. flat. r.

' Inquefts returned into the Chancery for Lands ^ Z$- 1 E ^ inquifitionibus returnatis in Cancellaria de terris ad manum mortuam .ponendis Rex c -*• to be aliened into Mortmain, the King com- J? at - 2, , 3 Ed - precepit quod nihil fiat ubi medii funt nifi religiofi ' mandeth that nothing fhall be done (where there be q^' Jjei?ber. oftendant eorum affenfum Domino Regi per literas ' any Lords mean) except the Religious Perfons eanstat. perquir, patentes eorundem mediorum figillis fignatas Et ' fhew to our Lord the King their Affent under their*? Ed. 1. stiam quod nihil fiat ubi donator penes fe nihil re- '■ Patents fealed with their Seals ; (2) and that nothing.. s « 3 5 R - 2 - tinet Et fimiliter ubi inquifitiones fade funt et re- c fhall pafs in Cafe where the Donor refervcth nothing!'" 5 " 23 f" ? r ai c, 10. it'i'raimn? Alienations in Mortmain, i & iP. & M. c.%. permitting them to ffiritttal Corporations. %t)Eliz.c.<. zi Jac. 1. c. i. 13 &f , 4 Can. 2. c. 12. hemming ibtnt for the Benefit of the Poor, &c, 1&%W. 3. c. 37. empowering the Croien to grant Licences to alien "in Mortn-.air. ; andaGeo. 2. c. i6> rejtrahin? Gifts in Mort- main by With ' This 13 taken from the SecunJa part vettrumftatiitcntm into the Englifli Editions. . X a "to-,