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156 Stat. 4. Anno tricefimo quarto Edwardi I. A. D. 1306.

  • to himfelf. (?) And likewife where Inquifitions be
  • made and returned without Warrant, that is to wit,
  • the Writ Original returned with the Inqueft, (4)

' and likewife unlefs the Writ Original make Mention 4 of every Thing, according to the new Ordinance de-

  • vifed by the King.'

turnate fine warranto videlicet brevi original! re- turnato cum inquifitione Et fimiliter nifi breve originate mentionem faciat de fingulis fecundum novam formam per ipfum Regem adjedtis, &c. Statutum de Tallagio non concedendo, fadum Anno 34 Edw.I. Stat. 4. whereby the King granted Liberties , &c a . CAP. I. The King or his Heirs fhall have no Tallage or Aid without Confent of Parliament. 35 Ed. 1, flat. i. c. 6. NO Tallage or Aid fhall be taken or levied by us or our Heirs in our Realm, without the good Will and Aflent of Archbifliops, Bifhops, Earls, Barons, Knights, Burgefles, and other Free- men of the Land.' NUllum tallagium vel auxilium per nos ve2 heredes noftros in regno noftro ponatur feu levetur fine voluntate et aflenfu Archiepif- coporum Epifcoporum Comitum Baronum Mili- tum Burgenfium & aliorum liberorum communi- um de regno noftro. CAP. IL Nothing (hall be purveyed to the King's Ufe without the Owner's Confent.

  • "^JO Officer of ours, or of our Heirs, fhall take

jzCo. 19. ' J[>( Corn, Leather, Cattle, or any other Goods,

  • of any Manner of Perfon, without the good Will and

s A/Tent of the Party to whom the Goods belonged.' NUllus minifter nofter vel heredum noftroram, capiat blada coria aut alique alia bona cujuf- cunque fine voluntate et aflenfu illius cujus fuerint bona. CAP. HI. Nothing fhall be taken of Sacks of Wooll by Colour of Male-tolt.

  • ^^fOthihg from henceforth fhall be taken of Sacks
  • JL of Wooll by Colour or Occafion of Male-tent.'

"VTIhil capiatur de cetero nomine vel occafione. maletoute de facco lane. CAP. IV. All Laws, Liberties, and Cuftoms confirmed.

  • "X/E w 'h" an< * grant for us and our Heirs, That
  • W all Clerks and Laymen of our Land fhall have

' their Laws, Liberties, and free Cuftoms, as largely

  • and wholly as they have ufed to have the fame at any

' Time when they had them beft ; (2) and if any Sta- ' tutes have been made by us or our Anceftors, or any

  • Cuftoms brought in contrary to them, or any Man-
  • ner of Article contained in this prefent Charter, we

1 will and grant, that fuch Manner of Statutes and ' Cuftoms {hall be void and fruftrate for evermore.' VOlumus et concedtmus pro nobis et heredibus noftris quod omnes clerici et laici de regno noftro habeant omnes leges libertates et liberas confuetudines fuas ita libere et integre ficut eas alir- quo tempore melius et plenius habere confueve~ runt. Et fi contra illas quocunque articulo in pre- fenti carta contento ftatuta fuerint edita per nos et anteceflbres noftros vel confuetudines introduce Volumus et concedimus quod hujufmodi confuetu- dines et ftatuta vacua et nulla fint in perpetuum. CAP. V. Pardon granted to .certain Offenders.

  • ]i /TOreover, we have pardoned Humfrey Bobun

' J.VJL Earl of Hereford and EJfex, Conftable of Eng-

  • land, Roger Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, Marfhal of

■ England, and other Earls, Barons, Knights, Efquires, ' and namely jfohn de Ferrariis, with all other being of

  • their Fellowship, Confederacy, and Bond, and alfo

R Emiffimus etiam Humfredo de Boun Comiti Hereford et Effex Conftabulario Anglie et Rogero Bigot Comiti Norf. et SufF. Marefcallo Anglie et aliis Comitibus Baronibus Militibus Ar^ migeris et J. de Ferreres ac omnibus aliis de eo- rum focietate confederation? et concordia exiftenti- ■ This ia taktn into the Enjlifli Editions from the Secunda pars vetenm ftatuterum, bus