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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/204

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1 5 '8 Stat. $< Anno tricefimo quarto Edwardi I. A, D. 1306, cap. L How Offences done in the Foreft fhall be prefented. FIRST, We have ordained for our felves and our Heirs, that all TrefpafTes hereafter to be done in our Forefts of Green-hugh, and of Hunting, the Forefters within whofe Bailiwicks fuch Trefpaffes fhall happen to be committed, fhall prefent the fame at the next Swanhnote before the Forefters, Verdors, Regardors, Agiftors, and other Minifters of the fame Foreft ; and upon fuch Prefentations there before the Forefters, Verdors, and all other Minifters afore- faid, by the Oath as well of Knights as of other lawful and honeft Men of the nearer! Parts where the Trefpafs fo prefented fhall be done, not fufpected, the Truth of the Matter fhall be lawfully enquired of; and the Truth fo enquired of, the fame Prefen- tations by the common Accord and Aflent of all the Minifters aforefaid, fhall be folemnly confirmed and fealed with their Seals. And if an Indictment be in any other Manner, it fhall be adjudged void.' Ex Rot. In Turr. Lond. VOlumus imprimis & ordinamus pro nobis & heredibus noftris quod de tranfgreilionibus in foreftis noftris de viridi & venatione decetero facien- dis foreftarii infra quorum ballivas hujufmodi tranf- greffiones fieri contigerit prefentent eafdem ad proxima fwanimota coram foreftariis viridariis re- gardatoribus agiftatoribus & aliis earundem fore-, ftarum miniftris et fuper prefentationibus hujuf- modi ibidem coram foreftariis viridariis & omnibus aliis miniftris fupradiclis per facramentum tam mi- litum quam aliorum proborum & legalium homi- num de partibus vicinioribus ubi tranfgrefliones fie prefentate facte fuerlnt non fufpectorum Veritas plenius inquiratur & fie inquifita veritate prefenta- tiones ille per communem concordiam & aflenfum omnium miniftrorum predictorum folempniter ro- borentur & figillis fuis figillentur. Et fi alio modo fiat indictamentum pro nullo penitus habeatur. CAP. II, An Officer dying, or being abfent, another fhall be put in his Place. ND if it happen any of the faid Forefters, Re- X gardors, or other Minifters of the fame Forefts do die, or by Sicknefs or other Means to be hindred, whereby he cannot be prefent at the fame Swanhnote, prefently the Juftice of the fame Foreft, or his Lieu- tenant, fhall put another in his Place, fo that the In- dictment may be made by alLin Form aforefaid ; (z) and that the Officers which are to be pLced, fhall be put in as heretofore it hath been ufed to be, except the Verderors, who fhall be ordained by Election, and by our Writ.' T fi aliquem predictorum foreftariorum regar- datorum aut aliorum miniftrorum foreftarum ipfarum obire contingat feu per~egrjtudinem yel, alio modo impediri quo minus interefte valeat hu- jufmodi fwanimotis incontinenti Jufticiarius forefte feu locum ejus tenens ponat alium loco fuo ita vi- delicet quod indictamentum fiat per omnes in forma predicta quodque mjniftri qui ponendi funt ponan-. tur ficut hactcnus fieri confuevit exceptis viridariis qui per electionem & per breve noftrum deputa-. buntur. CAP. III. No Forefler fhall be put in Affiles or Juries. nes, ND we will, That none of the forefaid Mini- fters fhall hereafter be put in any Affifes, Ju- or tnquefts to be taken without the Foreft.' ET volumus quod nullus miniftrorum predicto- rum in affifis juratis feu inquifitionibus extra foreftam capiendis decetero ponatur. CAP. IV. The Punifhment of Officers furcharging the Foreft. AND if there be any Surcharge found of the Forefters, or by fuch other as take upon them to be Officers of the P'orefts, fuch Surchargers fhall be removed and imprifoned according to the Difcre- tion of the Juftice of the Foreft, or his Lieutenant; (2) and they by whom they were placed fhall be alfo punifhed at our Pleafure. (j) And at every Swani- mote Inquifition fhall be made of Surcharges of Fo- refters, and other Minifters of the Foreft, and of their Oppreffions done to our People; and Reforma- tion and Punifhment fhall be done as it is ordained before.' ET fi fuperoneratio foreftariorum aut aliorum qui fe gerunt ut miniftros forefte inveniatur amo- veantur hujufmodi fuperonerantes & imprifonen- tur fecundum difcretionem Jufticiarii forefte vel ejus locum tenentis nee non & II li per quos pofiti fuerant ad voluntatem noftram fimiliter puniantur. Et ad quodlibet fwanimotum inquiratur folempni- ter de fuperoneratione foreftariorum & aliorum mi- niftrorum forefte & de eorum oppreffionibus populo noftro illatis & fiant inde emende & punitiones, prout fuperius eft exprefTum. CAR