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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/59

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A. D. 1467. Anno feptimo Edwardi IV. C. T. 21 t, in Turr. Lond. ra .Ifin/. I.i dice citce et vj. de les mefmes ar- dcinz le dit countee par la difcrction du dit |] on dune deux puncront. El .qeehefcun pcce de worftede foit purfuant parmye dc leal] feifure bone & convenient fluff et ■ Ics longeur & lacur ficomc lafli launcien temps droitcment accuilumcc ddes del pluis graund affile en longeur nines largement & en laeur irij. aulnes lar- geiw nt & beddes dd mefne affile xij. aulnes en 1 & en laeur iij. aulnes & beddes de pluis petit affife x. aulnes en longeur & en laeur ij. aul- nea & dimi & draps appellez monkes clothes xij. aidnes en longeur au meins & v. quarters en laeur & diaps appellez chanon clothes dune affile vj. aul- nes en longeur & ij. aulnes en laeur & de lautre aflife v. aulnes & vij. quarters en laeur ct double motleis vij. aulnes en longeur & v. quarters en laeur k fengle motleis vj. aulnes en longeur & v. quarters en lacur & double worftede x. aulnes en longeur & v. quarters en lacur ct dimi double wor- ftede vj. aulnes en longeur & v. quarters en laeur & rolle worftede xxx. aulnes en longeur & dimi aulne en laeur et qc ne (bit mile en null de les ditz wor- fkdes al'cune lainc dagnell. Et qe les gardeins del mcline lart & chefcun diceux pur le temps elteantz averont & avera poair &c auitorite de teifcr toutz tielx draps k fluff iffint eftcantz defectifs. Etqeles ditz mairez& fenefchall & chefcun deux par xij. homes de les difcretes artificers de les ditz citce fie countee averont poair a toutz temps den- qucrrcr oier & terminer de toutz ceux qi fount en- contrc la dite ordenaunce deinz la dite citee ou countee. Et enoutre qe en efchuer dautielx de- ceite & faulxcete queux aveigner puiflent eftre overez & faitz en la dite art par les viij. gardeins avauntditz ou entre eux mefmes tantfoulement ou en counfeil de faulx artifice dautres de les ditz arti- ficers en les ditz citee & countee qe le maire de la dite citce pur le temps efteant & le dit fenefchall ou ung deux au tiel temps come luy quide pluis bofoignable ferra appeller devaunt luy les ditz xij. artificers ou la greindre part deux & ceux charger deftrejurrez de faire droiturell ferche fibien en le fluff come en tout lartifice de worfted.e par les ditz viij gardeins enapres eftre overez & faitz. Et qe les ditz gardeins iffint trovez defe£tifs ou en execution de lour office en ferche de toutz autres de mefmes les artificers deinz les ditz citee & countee ou en lour propre fluff ou artifice ferront correcfz par mtlme le maire ou fenefchall en tiel fourme ficome autres trefpaffours mefme lart duif- fent de droit eftre correc"tez. Et qe les ditz gar- deins & chefcun deux en chefcun part de la dite citee de Norwyce Sc aj Hours en les countecs de NoifF SufF & Cantebr' au toutz temps covena- blez averont & avera poair de fercher tout maner des worftedes &; le fluff diceux fibien deinz lomes come dehors lomes overez deinz la dite citee de Norwyce ou countee de Norff'. Et ft afcun homme devaunt le dit maire ou fenef- chall ou afcun deux foit ent trove defe£tif par leur difcretion foit correcf e & le wurftede & fluff trovez Mayor and Steward) or one of them, fhall punifh fuch of the faid Artificers which breakethj or doth contrary to any of their laid Rules and Ordinances, (z) And chat every Pie c of VVorftcd fliall be purfu- ing through the Piece of lawful making, good and 11 nt Stuff; (3) and that they fliall hold the The Lenr'h ani Length and Breadth as the Aflife was wont to be of Breadth of old time rightfully accuftomed, that is to fay, Beds J^j"' of Wo " of the greateft Affife Fourteen Yards largely in Length, and Four Yards largely in Breadth; and 1 the mean Affile, Twelve Yards in Length, arfd Three Yards in Breadth; and Beds of the lcaft Affifc, 'Fen Yards in Length, and Five Quarters in Breadth ; (4) and Cloths called Monks Cloths TwelVfi 'Sards in Length at the lcaft, and Five Quar- ter;, in Breadth; (^) and Cloths called Chanon Cloths, of the one Affife Six Yards in Length, and Two Yards in Breadth ; and of the other Affife Five Yards in Length, and Seven Quarters in Breadth ; (6) and double Motleys Seven Yards in Length, and Five Quarters in Breadth ; and lingle Motleys Six Yards in Length, and Five Quarters in Breadth; (7) and double Worfted Ten Y'ards in Length, and Five Quarters in Breadth ; and the half double Worfted Six Y'ards in Length, and Five Quarters in Breadth; and the Roll of Worfted Thirty Yards in Length, and half a Yard in Breadth ; (n) and that no LamBs Wooll be put in any of the faid Worfteds. (9) And Wartem may that the Wardens of the faid Craft, and every f f "'"-_ dcl ' :tI - them, for the time being, fhall have Power and Au- thority to feife all fuch Cloths and Stuff fo being de- fedtive. ' III. And that the (aid Mayor and Steward, and ti 1 1 every of them, by Twelve of the difcreet Artificers Steward, &c. of the faid City and County, fliall have Power at all inay enquire of, Times to inquire, hear, and determine of all fuch h ™>™jH ete *' as do againil the faid Ordinances within the faid City mine0n ' n " i - or County. (2) And moreover, in efchewing all Twelve Arti- luch Deceits and Falfhoods which might happen to fkers fn.iil in- be wrought and done in the faid Craft by the Eight <]"'« of the Wardens aforefaid, or betwixt themfelves only, or ci £ ht WarJca3 ' in concealing of the ralfe Workmanfhip of other of the faid Artificers in the faid City and County, that the Mayor of the faid City for the time being, and the faid Steward, or one of them, at fuch Time as he fhall think convenient, fhall call before him the ' faid Twelve Artificers, or the greateft Part of them, and charge them to be (worn to make rightful Search, as well in the Stuff, as in all the working of the Worfted by the faid Eight Wardens hereafter to be wrought and made.' ' IV. And that the faid Wardens fo found defective ThePumrtimer.t either in Execution of their Office in Search of all <"" the w-rdrns • other of the fame Artificers within the faid City and drf^'ve in their County, or elfe in their own Stuff, or Workman- utics ' fhip, fhall be corrected by the faid A'Jayor or Stew- ard, in fuch Form as other Offenders of the fame Craft ought of right to be corrected. (2) And that Where the the faid Wardens, and every of them, in every Par ; : Wardens njay of the faid City of fflortvitfi, and elfewhere in the &*«&* Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridge, at all Times convenient, fhall have Power to fearch all Manner of Worfteds, and the Stuff of them, as well within the Looms, as out of the Looms, wrought within the faid City of Norwich, or Coumvof folk.' ' V. And if any Man, before the faid Mayor arid Steward, or either of them, be thereof found defec- tive, by their Difcretion he fliall be corrected, (2) ' and