A. D. 1606. • Anno quarto Jacobi L C. i. 63 II. And alfo that one Provifo contained in an A&. nnade in the three and thirtieth Year of the Reign of King Hmry the Eighth, by which Provifo the King's Majefty's Subjecfls inhabiting within twelve Miles of the Borders of Scotla?id, are allowed and pertnitted to ufe Crofs-bows, Hand-guns, Hackbuts or De- mihakes, or to ufe and keep in his or their Houfes oi? elfewhere any fuch Crofs-bows, Hand-guns, Hack- H°nd.K°ms' huts and Demihakes, for fo much of the faid Provifo as fo concerneth fuch as fhall inhabit within twelve 33 h. 8. c. 6, Miles of the faid late Borders, (hall be utterly repealed and made void. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That thefe other Statutes hereafter follow- Armour, ing. That is to fay, one Adt made in the feventh Year of the Reign of King Richard the Second, viauai. whereby it is eiladted. That fio Armour, Vidtual or other Refrelhment be carried into Scotland, upon •*' '^' ' • Pain of Seizure or Forfeiture : IV. And one other A&. made in the one and thirtieth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Sixth, March Law. whereby it is enacted. That March-Lz^N be not ufed out of the Circuit of the Counties of Northum- 3' "• ^-c- 3- berland, Cumberland and Wejimorland, or the T'own of Newcajlle : V. And one other Statute made- in the feventh Year of the, Reign of King Henry the Seventh, scottithmen. whereby it is enadted. That Scottijhmen ihouTd avoid out of the Realm of England within a Time 7 H. 7. c 7.' pirelixed : „ . . . VI. And one other Statute made in the twenty-third Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth ; 23 h. g. c. i6» And a like Statute made in the firft Year of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth; whereby the con- Horfes. veyiug of Horfes out of England into Scotland is made Felony :, ^ ^^' '^•^" VII. And one other Statute made in the fecond and third Years of the Reign of King Philip and Lands let to Qusen Mary: . , ....... .. f&fpiT&k VIII. And the like Statute made in the twenty-third Year of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth, c. i. ' whereby it is enafted. That no Lands or Tenements be let to Scottijhmen upon the Borders: (2) Shall ijEiiz. c. 4. be utterly abrogated, repealed and made void : (3) And if there had appeared any other Statute of this forme^^nineVta- Realm of England, wherein any Thing is ordained, enadted or eftablilhed, exprefly and by Name tutes. againft Scottijhtnen as Enemies, or Scotland as, an Enemy-Country to the Kings of this Realm or the State of the fame. We Ihould for fo niuch of them as had fo conctrntA, Scottijhmen or Scotland, have utterly abrogated and annulled the fame ; feeing all Enmity and Hoftility of fonner Times between the two Kingdoms and People is now happily taken away, and urider the Goyernment of his Ma- jefty, as under one Parent and Head, turned into Fraternity or Brotherly Friendlhip, IX. Provided neverthelefs, and be it enadted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That ^aJi^j^if^no none of the Articles, Branches or Claufes abovefaid, in this Adt before contained and e-xprelled, Effeft until Ihall take Effedt or be in Force, or in any wife be deemed and expounded to take Effedt or to be in ftl>er Statutes Force, to any Intent, Conftrudtion or Purpofe, until thefe Adts of Parliament of the Realm of Scot- S^^^'eai^"^"* land hereafter following j that is to fay, one Adt made in the Time of James the Firft, King of Scotland, by which it was enafted. That all Perfons remaining in England without the King's Licence^ did Remaining in commit Treafon: . ^ England without? X. One other Adt made in the Time of the faid King James the Firft, whereby any Auurancecence.'"^' "" viith Englijhmen, for taking Protedtion from them for Lands or Goods, is Treafon: XI. One other Adt in the fame King's Time, inhibiting all Buying and Selling of Englijh Goods ; forbidden, under Pain of Efcheat : XII. One other Adt made in the Time oi James the Second, King of Scotland,. That none ftiould . pafs into England in Time of War, without Licence, under Pain of Treafon: XIII. One other Adt made in the Reign of the faid King James the Second, containing, That no Englijhman come into Scotland without Condudt, and that no Scottijhman lit under Aflurance with them: _ ',: XIV. One other Adt of the fame King's Time, That no Scottijhman fupply Berwick and Rox- burgh, under Pain of Treafon : XV. One other Adt, made in the Time of the faid King James the Second, That all Men be ready for Defence of the Realm againft England : XVI. Two Adts made in the Time of James the Third, Kirjg of Scotland, for TeriHing KmgEdr- ward the Fourth: ' . ,, -; ; . ,; Xyil. One other Adt made in the Time of the faid King James the Third, cofieerwtig the up- holding of Berwick, and Garrifons upon the Borders: ',:-•'■: i ■/ XVIII. One Adt made in the Reign of Mary late Queen of Scotland, biy- vvhichut vyas enadted, That Scottijhmen are charged to leave Affurances with Englijhfiien : XIX. One other Adt made in the Time of the faid Qtieeri Mary, coricerping affured Sc.ottiJh.-men: aflifting the Englijh Army : XX. One Adt made in the Parliament of Scotland m the Time of the mqft happy Reign of our moft gracious Sovereign Lord the King that now is, containing. That Jhe,,i5f^«//a Bqrd^er? are di^f- . . charged to marry Englijh Borderers Daughters: ;._• •[,,..;, . , ;. ..' -^Iiu'l ': -. 1 ;:.:/. ' , :: "; '^ " '" V.' XXI. And laftly, one other Adt made in the Tiitie of-our f&id Sovereign j/Ord the King,, injiiining The Pariiamen the Warden to put in a Bill the Names of all Englijhmen-. ihzt occupy Lands in ScotFavli. and feek °f S'^?"^"'* 'to^ Redrefs according to the Treaties : (2) ft^all by Aft of Parliament of the faid Realn>,bf Scotiand^ te SKi^^^' utterly repealed, fruftrate and made void; (3) and until alfo the faid Parliament of the Realm, of £'<?/- land mall by their faid Adt, make as full and ample Declaration concerning .their clear Intentipp and Defire of Repeal -of all other hoftile Laws pf their Part, not before mentioned,^ if -they were known, as on the Part of this Realm of England hath bgen in: this.' pr^fenfccA^ ?na^e;,^4ij^xpE^ed,,.v..-ii.7;. " i
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