64 C. 2. Anno quarto Jacobi L A. D. 1606. smlT^ R "'* XXII. And be it further enaaed by the Authority aforefaid. That one Aft made in the iifth Year Stat.' I. c a.*' of King Richard the Second, concerning the Rel^raint of PafTage of his Majefty's Subjeds out of this touching theke- Reahn, and every Ordinance, Provifion, Article or Claufe therein contained, Thall be from henceforth J^"'ove°/th'/sea "^'^^'"'y repealed, &c. [The reft of this Aft is revived 13 & 14 Can 2. c. zz. but is obfolete fine* Non°e(hau'be 'S Ann. C. 8.j troubled for any Wrong done before the Death of, Queen Elizabeth by the Laws of the Borders. Trials of Felonies committed by Englifhmen in Scotland to be in the Northern Counties. Witnefs allowed to the Party arraigned upon Oath, The Profecutor and Witneffes (hall be bound to give Evidence. The Acce/Tary fliall be tried, though the Principal be not convifted or attainted. What an Englidiman committing a Felony in Scotland fhall forfeit, and what rot. A like Afl: (hall be made in Scotland. The OflFence 'fhall be alledged in the Indi£lment where it is done. No Engli(hman (hali be fent out of England to receive his Trial in Scotland. Altered by 7 Jac, i. c. i, and inforced;by 13 & 14 Car. z, c, zz. The Jurors may allow or rejeft the WitnelTei, Trii of a Peer by his Peers. G A P. II. An Ad for the true making of "Woollen Cloth. or Lambs-wool ■in Cloth. The Length, 4E- 4' '■ !• ' 'jr? O R the Avoiding of many Inconveniencies happening to his Highnefs Subjeds exercifmg the BreTdth'and^ ' ^^ Myftery and Trade of making and working of Woollen Clothes of divers Names and Natures, Weight feverai ' arid that the Buyers of fuch Clothes may have true and juft Commerce without Fraud or Deceit,' Sorts of Cloths It pleafeth his moil excellent Majefty, with the Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the countiesorthis Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, that it be enacted, (2) and by the Authority of the Realm (hall be. fanie it is enadted. That from and after fourfcore Days next after the End of this SeiTion of Pariiament, L"i"™^°/!l™^'^^^y ^°"S Broad-Cloth and Cloths which fhall be made of died Wools and mingled Colours, within ""' " """ any of the Shires of Kent, Tori, or at tht Town of Reading, or elfewhere of like making, fliali contain in Length at the Water, every Piece being throughly wet, between thirty and four and thirty Yards, every Yard, Yard and Inch of the Standard and no more, and in Breadth fix Quarters and a Half of a Yard at the leaiT: within the Lifts, by the whole Length of the fame Cloth ; (3) And that every Piece -of the fame Cloth being well fcoured, thicked, milled, and fully dried, ftiall be in Weight eighty-fix Pounds at the leaft. II. And that every White Cloth which fliall be made within the Cities of Worcejler, Coventry and Wef'ht'of Lon Hereford, commonly called Long-Worcejlen, or elfewhere of like making, ftiall contain in Length, Worlefters.""^ being wet, between thirty and thirty-three fuch faid Yards and Inches as is aforefaid, and Ihall be in 5 & 6 Ed. e! c. 6. Breadth feven Qiiarters throughout all the whole Cloth, and being clean fcowred, thicked, milled, and 4&5Ph.&M. fully dried, {hall weigh feventy-eight Pounds at the leaft. piunkets, III- And that all and every long coloured Clothes, commonly called Plunkets, Azures and Blues, and Azures, Blues long white" Clothes, which fhall be made in any of the Shires ot Suffolk, Norfolk and EJfex, or elfewhere Cloths"^ '"^'^ ^^ ^^^ making, fhall contain in Length, being wet, between twenty-nine and thirty-two fuch faid Yards and Inches, as is aforefaid, and fhall be in Breadth fix Quarters and one Half Quarter within the Lifts at the leaft, and being we 1 fcoured, thicked, milled, and fully dried, ftiall weigh eighty Pounds at the The Leneth leaft: (2) And that all and every ihort Clothes coloured, and fliort white Cloths, commonly called Breadih and' Sorting-Cloths, which fliall be made in any of th« Shires laft before-mentioned, or elfewhere of like ■Weight of Sort- Sort and Making, Ihall contain, being wet, in Length, between twenty-three and twenty-fix fuch faid ,ing cloths. -Ysrds and Inches, as is aforefaid, and in Breadth throughout the whole Piece, fix Quarters within the ' Lifts at the leaft, and being well fcoured, thicked, milled, and fully dried, (hall weigh fixty-four Pounds the Cloth at the -leaft. ■■■■,' ■ IV. Andthat-all ahd every fhort Cloths coloured, and ftiort white Cloths, commonly called fine Short Suffalks, which Ihall b,e made in the Shires laft before-mentioned, or elfewhere of like making, ftiall con- tain',- being wet, in Length, between three arid twenty and fix and twenty fuch faid Yards and Inches, as is aforefaid, and in Breadth throughout the whole Piece, fix Quarters and an Half within the Lifts at the leaft, and beting well fcoured, thicked,- milled, and fully dried, ftiall weigh fixty-four Pounds the Cloth at the leaft: (z) And that every fuch Sorting fhort Cloth fhall be differenced from the faid fine Cloths laft before-mentioned by ai blue Selvedge or Edging on both Lifts: (3) And that every white Cloth which Ihall be made within the fame mentioned Shires, or elfewhere of like making, commonly called Handiwarps, ftiall contain in Length between twenty-nine and thirty-two fuch faid ^'ards and Inches, as is aforefaid, and in Breadth feven Quarters, and being well fcoured, thicked, milled, and fully dried, ftiall weigh feventy-fix Pounds at the leaft: (4) And that all broad Plunkets, Azures, Blues, and fliireandSomer- other Coloured Cloth which ftiall be made within the Shires of Wiltjhire and Somerfetjbire, or elfewhere fet(hire, of like making, (hall contain, being thoroughly wet, between twenty-fix and twenty-eight fuch Yards and Inches, as is aforefaid, and in Breadth fix Quarters and an Half within the Lifts, and being well fcoured, thicked, milled, and fully dried, (hall weigh fixty-eight Pounds the Cloth at the leaft: (5) And that every Cloth commonly called fhort Cloths, which (hall be made of died Wools, and mingled Co- lours, within the County of York, or elfewhere of like making, Oiall contain in Length, being tho- roughly wet, between twenty-three and twtoty-five fuch Yards and Inches, as is aforefaid, and in Breadth fix Qiiarters and an Half between the Lifts, and being clean fcoured, thicked, milled, and fully dried, fhall weigh fixty-fi< Pounds the Cloth at the kali; (6) and every Half-Piece thereof, conimoniy calkd Dozens, tp be made and wrought after the fame Rate in every Refped. V. And that all broad-lifted Whites and Reds which (hall be made in any of the Counties of JFilt- Jhlre, GiHicrlla-flHre, Oxfordjhire, and the Eaftein Limits oi Samerfetjlnre, or elfewhere of like making, commonly called Sorting-paok broad-lifted Cloths, Jliaft contain itiXength, being wet, between twenty- ik& and twenty-eight fuch faid Yards and Inches, as is aforefaid, and Ihall be in Breadth fix Quarters 8 and c&eEd. 6. c. 4 & 5 Ph. & M. c. J. The Length, Breadth and Weight of (ine .fliort Suffolks. The Length, Breadth and Weight of Handiwarps. Coloured Cloth made in Wilt Short Cloth made of died Wools in York, fliire. A Half-piece called Dozens. The Length, Breadth and Weight of bioad-lifted Whites aad Ceds.
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