A. D, 1606. Anno quarto Jacob I I. C. 2. 65 -and an Half throughout the whole Cloth at the lead, and being clean fcoured, thicked, miHed, and fdly -dried, fhall weigh every Piece of the fame Cloth fixty-four Pounds the Cloth at the leaft : (2) And that all The Lengtii, narrow-lifted "W hites and Reds which (hall be made in TViltfiire, Gloucejlerjlnre^ Oxford/hire^ and the Eaftern ^/eadtii and' iyimits oi Somerfet/hire, or elfewhere of like making, commonly called Sorting-pack Cloths, (hall contain ^^^'5^°/ ""■- 3n Length, being wet, between twenty-fix and twenty-eight fuch faid Yards and Inches, as is aforefaid, and Wiiitesand ifhall be in Breadth within the Lifts fix Quarters and a Half throughout the whole Cloth at the leaft, and J^-°"> lifted with narrow Lifts, as hath been accuftomed for Sorting-pack Cloths, and being clean fcoured, thicked, milled, and fully dried, fhall weigh every Piece, being White, fixty-one Pounds at the leaft, and being Red Ihall weigh fixty Pounds the Piece at the leaft. VI. And that every fine Cloth with plain Lifts made in the Counties of Wilijhlre^ Gkurejlerjhire, So- The Length, merfetjhire and Oxford, or elfewhere of like making, ftiall contain in Length between twenty-nine and thirty- ^^f^,"^ ^"J two iuch faid Yards and Inches, as is aforefaid, and in Breadth fix Quarters and a Half between the Lifts cioths with • throughout the whole Cloth, and being clean fcoured, thicked, milled, and fully dried, fliall weigh plain Lifts, feventy-two Pounds at the leaft. VII. And that all and every Cloths, having ftop Lifts and not plain Lifts, ftiall contain in Length Cloths having between thirty and thirty-three ,of fuch faid Yards and Inches as is aforefaid, and in Breadth 't^PPed LrSs. feven Quarters within the Lifts, throughout the whole Cloth, and in Weight feventy-eight Pounds at the leaft, as all Worcefier Cloths are limited: (2) And that every Broad-Cloth commonly called Taun- Broad-doihs ions, Bridgwaters and Dunjiers, made in the Weftein Parts of Somerfetjhire, or elfewhere of like making, called T.nuntons, Ihall contain, being throughly wet, between twelve and thirteen fuch faid Yards and Inches, as is q^^^'.^^" *"n«"r Fweft Piece at the leaft : (3 ) And that all Cloths called Ordinary Peniftones or Foreit-Whites, fhall contain in whites'. Length in the Water between twelve and thirteen fuch faid Yards and Inches, as is aforefaid, and in Breadth five Quarters and an Half, and being clean fcoured, thicked, milled, and fully dried, fhall weigh twenty-eight Pounds the Piece at the leaft : (-j.) And that all Peniftones called Sorting-Peniftones, fliall Sorting-peni. contain in Length in the Water between thirteen and fourteen fuch Yards and Inches, and fliall be in^o"es. Breadth fix Quarters and a Half, and being clean fcoured, thicked, milled, and fully dried, fhall weigh thirty-five Pounds the Piece at the leaft. IX. And be it likewife ena<5ted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Cog-ware, Kenda} and Carpt- Cog-ware, meals, fhall from henceforth be made' in fuch Sort as fhall beft pleafe the Buyer, and (hall not be ^^""'^i and fearched or fealed, or be fubje<£t to any other Penalty than fuch as was impofed thereon before the nine ^'"'P'- ""^^Is. and thirtieth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lady Qjieen Elizabeth^ fo as they fhrink not above 39 l^'iz- c. jo. . one Yard for every twenty Yards. X. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Kerfies called Wafhers, or Wafti-whites, The Length and made within the Counties of Tork, Lancajier or elfewhere of like making, fliall contain in Length at Weight of the Water, being half-thicked, between (eventeen and eighteen Yards of the Meafure aforefaid, and ^glj^f^j^.^j'^. "| being quarter thicked, (hall contain between eighteen and nineteen fuch Yards and Inches, as is afore- " ~' v faid, and being clean fcoured and fully dried, (hall weigh feventeen Pounds the Piece at the leaft'^ There /hai) be (2) And that no Cloth-worker, Sheer-man or Fuller, fliall raife or row, or caufe to be raifed or rowed, no Rowing, or any kind of Cloths or Kerfies in or with any Oils, Goofe Greafe, Swines Greafe, or any fuch like Thing ^^"""2°^ Cloth, of any kind of Greafes or Oils, but fhall (hear the fame Cloth, Kerfie, plain and ftraight, without laying . in or on any of the aforefaid Oils, ■ Goofe Greafe, Swines Greafe, or any other liquid or tnoift Thing, but only upon the Edge of the Shears with Semet or Oil, upon Pain to forfeit for every Time fo doing .;,^ Contrary to the true Meaning of this Statute, thirteen Shillings four-pence; (3) And that no Cloth- ^^^.|;j^^'^'":? worker. Sheer-man or Fuller, fliall raife, full, or row or (hear the Lifts and Sides of Cloths ahd jng! R"i<in^^--' Kerfies, better than the Midft, but (hall v/ork all alike; {a) upon Pain of forfeiting for every Cloth', FuiHnsfrSiieaV- Kerfie, plain and ftraight, done contrary to the true Meaning of this Statute, thirteen Shillings ^'j-S,°^",i^ ^^^ four-pence. - ' . " XL And that no Cloth-worker, or any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, fliall have or ufe for the There (haii be Cutting or Taking away of' the Wool from the Back-fides of any- Cloths and Kerfies, any Knife or ^Vo""r'om'rhe Knives, Rubfter or'Rubflers, Pumiftone, or any other Device whatfoever, but only to fliear the fame jhc::-,ides of' Back-fide/with a Pair of Shears; (2) en Pain of forfeiting for every Piece whereiii or wHereapoii th§ *^io^. fame fliall be fo done, the Sum of thirteen Shillings, fgur-pence, . .; , Vol. III. K XII. And
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