43^ ^' 32. Anno primo Gulielmi & Marias. A. D, 1688. to fiKj and profecute all Perfons ofFending againft this or any the faid Laws; any Law, Guftom er Ufage to the contrary notwithft;inding. ' Ardlfcoveril.T' ^^^^' l^^ovLded always. That if any Owner of any Ship or Veffe], or any Mafter or Mariner, knowing tir?u: R 'warX °^ '^'^^ Exportation of any Sheeps-wooli, WooU-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yam made of WooH, WooU- flocks, FuUcis-earth, Falling-clay, or Tobacco-pipe-clay, contrary to the true Meaning of this ?nd the other AiSls above-mentioned, £ha!l within three Months next after the Knowledge thereof, or after his Re-' tu.n into the Kingdom of England, or Ireland, or to the faid Town of Berwick, or into the Dominion of W(iki aforel'aid, give the firfl: ftifibrmation bona fide, before a:y of the Barons for the time being of the Court of Exchequer in Evgbnd, or the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, or before any three of the Ca-J.miflioiiers appointed by this AS im the nrorc efieiftunl putting in Execution this and other Laws made againft the Ex- portation of Wooll, or before the Head OiHcer of any Port where he fhall firfl: arrive, upon his or tlieir Oath,, of the Number an-d Quantity of fuch Sheeps-wooll, Wooll-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made ofWooll, Woojl-flocks, Ful'lers-iearth, Fuihng-cJay, or Tobacco-pipe-clay, fo carried, conveyed, or ex- ported as aforefaid, and by whom, where, and in ^vhat Ship or Veftel, and afterwards fhall be read v, upon reafonable Wa'ning, by Proeefs to juilify and prove the fame, That then fuch Owner and Owners, Alaiier Mariner, and Mariners, fhall not be liable or fubj-<St to any the Penalties or Forfeitures in this or any other AiSt contained or enacted, for the OiTence aforefaid, but mall and is hereby enabled to recover and receive liicb Benefit and Advantages as is appointed to be allov/ed by the precedent AiSt or Afts. Perfons aurt;o- JX. Provided aevei tliel&fs. That the Po'ji.-crs given to the laid ComaniiTioners fliall not hinder any Perfon ^* i»^y,J>iwe, ^|. pgj-fpji^3 lawfully authorized from feizing Wo. U, or profeculing any Perfon offending againft this or an» fbr.mer Act made againft -die Tranfijortation of Wooll, and other the 'rhing^ above mejitioned. ' ■ X. Ajid he it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Action, Bill, Plaint, Suit, or In- formation fliall be coinracjiced or pro&cuted againft any Perfon for jvhat he fhall do in Purfuance of this Aj£t, fuch Picrfoii fo fued Gialil and may file a Common Bail, or enter into Common Appearance, and plead tlic General Iffue, Nat guilty; aijd upon liruc joined may give chis A.Q. in Evidence : Aad if the Plaintift or Profecutor fliall become nonfuit, or fuffer Difcontinuance, or if a Verdict pafs againft him^ or if upon a DErauicrar Judgement 'pafs agaiiift him, the D-efendant fhali recover treble .Gofts and Damages for ais Molcfhition. ' - ' • Wooif ^^" •^'^ ^° ^^^ better Execution of the Pow_ers granted by this ASc, be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That a i^egifler be kept at the ;Cuftoin-houfe, London, of all the Wooll from time to, time im- ported from Ireland; and alfo of what Wooll fhall he fent from one Port to another in this Kingdom; the iparticular Weights and lilambers, ^the S.hip, Mafter's Name, Owner's Name, arid to whom configned ; to ths eiid the faid Commiliiqners appointed to -put this Aft in Execution may have an Infpe£tion thereinto, Continuance of or Copies thereof, from time to time. This A^yt to continue for three Years, and from thence to the End the Aift. of tke next Seffion<of Parlliament. Woollen Manu- XJ^L And forihe better Encouragement of the Manufadiure as well as the Growth of Wooll, be it further faauremaybs ena6ted by she Au'thonity afor.fjiid, That ifnom hencefor-ward itjfh;tU and may be lawful to and foranyPer- c)'i>o?ff;<l. fijn or Perfons whatfoever 'to, buy any .Cloth, SiiiSs, Stockings, or other Manufa<9;ure of Wooll made in the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, .or the Town pf Berwick upon Tweed, and -the fame .freely, without any MokJtatiqn -or Trouble whstfoever, to export into any Parts beyond the Seas, paying-the ufual 'Cuftoms. '. ' Saving to the XM. Provided, T^hat noching oojitaincd in this Acl fliall be confirued to avoid the Charters and Grants chTrte"sT made to the Levafit Com-pany, to tie.£afila?!d Company, to the Rt/J/ia Company, to the African Company, or to JthePriv-iieges granted to them, oranyofthom. WBcll-hom XfV. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That it flialland may belaw- SoittiiaBipton. f^j to tranfport ifrom the Port JDf S.ntti:amptoH@nY, (or the. only Ufe .or 'Behoof of the Inhabitants of the 'Iflajids of Gil (rnfiy, ff^r/ey, Alderw-y, and &arke, .aiKl of the Woollen 'Manufaft.ures there -made, one thou- ftind Tods of .unkerobed'WoolI for the 'Mand of G'jonfey, 'two thouiand Tods of unkernbed Wooll for the Mand.of Jer/ey, two hundred Tods of unkembed Wool! for the Ifland oi Alderney, and one hundred Tods of unkenibsd Wooll for 'the -Ifiand of Sarke, more -than by the faid Aft made in the twelfth Year of the Beign of King Charges the Second is directed and. provided for the iaroc, to be done according to-t4ic fame Rules, Orders, and DireiStioiks, and under the like Penalties and Forfeitures as in -the faid Ail is dirciied, ordained, appointed and ijtfli<Sted, and on vthe further Penalty of twentyPounds for every Tod of -Wool}, and Forfeiture of-the Wooll d'.felff one half thereof to his 'Majefty, one quarter Part thereof to the Informer, and' the .other , quarter iP..art -to the ;Poor of the faid riflands) in cafe any Perlbn fliall-again t-ranfport or at- tempt to 'traniport any of the faid Vv'ooll -from the faid Ifiands, for every Offence .therein '; and alfo that every Perfon Co offending -fhalEfrom and ^fter the firit O-fence be inc:q3able of .having or enjoying any-Grant of any Woolbfroni the{s.d<PoTt.of.Set!Sa^/}pti>r7^ nor fliall ever hereafter have any Warrant given or granted Ivim for that purpofe ; >the faid Penalties to be recovered -by fuch •Perfon as -fhall fue for. the fame . hy anyA-ftionof Debt, :BiU, .Plaint, -.or -Information, --wherein no Eftbin, 'Protection, -Privilege, -Wager of J loAnnw, c. 16. Law, Injuniition, or' Order oARsikaint is -to be allowed, or any more than one Imparlance, " ' Farther Pni'lfomrilatiiig-lvKto, ro t? -IT fKo.. (. 10. 3 Gm. i . <:..2,i. 4JG(:o. -I. ■ f.-l I. S^eo- 1- f- "• -14 G«. I.r.-j^. -I3 Ci'a. I, r. 23. 5 Crt. 3. (. ai. i2.Cm. 3. f. ai..isGi!o.,a..,«.i?r. S5.6i.'o..a..,f.ii4- slJQc.;^. f. S;Si'.ili 23 Gfs,.!. <-. 33. W 3oG«. 2. r, 1,2. -j CAP.