A. D. 1 7 10. Anno nono Annje Reginae. C. sr. 475 hereby granted, continued, or appropriated, fliall divert or mifapply all or any Part of the Monies by him oV them collefted or received, contrary to the true Meaning of this Adl, then he or they, for every or any fuch Offence, fhall be difmiffed from his Employment, and rendred incapable to^ ferve her Majefly, her Keirsand SuccelTors, as aforefaid, and fliall moreover forfeit double the Sum or Sums fo by him or them diverted or mifapplied, to any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, who fhall be entitled to any Annuity or Payment out of the Fund by this Aft fettLd, and will fue for the fame, as aforefaid. XV. And to the end the Sums by this Aft appropriated, may not be diverted or applied to any other Pur- Direaions in pofes than are hereby direfteJ or intended ; Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Pvules ' W. &M.Se(r. and Direftions appointed and enafted in one Aft made in the firfl Year of the Reign of their faid late Ma- ^■'^' '• '■«""«• icfties King William and Queen Mary, intituled. An ASl for granting to their Majeftles an Aid of two 'Shil/ings in the Potimlfor one Tear, for the fpeedy Payment of Money thereby granted into the Receipt of Exchetiuer, by the Colleftors and Receivers, and for the Diftribution and Application thereof, and keep- ino- diftinft Accounts of the fame, and all other Provifions, Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures thereby eii- cled, in cafe of Diverfion or Mifapplication of any R4oney thereby appropriated, are hereby revived
- nd enafted to be in Force, and fhall be applied, executed, and put in Ure, for and concerning the Diilri-
bution and Application of the faid Sums hereby appropriated, as fully, amply, and efFeftually, as if the fame were 'particularly repeated and re-enafted. ' XVI. And whereas the Funds hereby fettled and appropriated will not be fufficient to pay all the faid ' Annuities, after the Rate of fix Y'onnis per Centum per Annum, for all the Debts, Deficiencies, and Sums ' of Money intended to be provided for by this Aft, until the five and twentieth Day of December one ' thoufand feven hundred and fixteen; to the Intent a full, fufficient, and unqueftionable Provifion may be ' made for all the faid Annuities, after the Rate of fix Vonnis per Centum per Annum, until the faid five' ' and twentieth Day o^ December one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen;' Be it therefore enafted by the Treafuryjto Authority aforefaid. That Quarterly in every Year, until the faid five and twentieth Day o'i December one caufe an Atr- thoufivnd'feven hundred and iixteen, that is to fivy, on or within twenty Days next after every five and twen- *="""' '^ bemade ticth Day di March, four and twentieth Day of fiine, nine and twentieth Day oi September, and five and neTi re" f ^ twentieth Day oi Dece?nber, which fliall be before the five and .twentieth Day oi December one thouiand fe- all Monies' to ven hundred and fixteen, the Commiffioners of the Treafury now being, or the Lord High Treafurer, or come in upon Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, fhall caufe a true and exaft Account to be made of all the Funds ap- the Monies, which on or before the faid refpeftive Quarcer-Days laft mentioned, fhall have come or be P°'"'= brought into the Receipt of Exchequer, for or upon the faid Funds hereby appointed (the firft of which Accounts fhall be made on or within twenty Daj'S next after the five and tv,?entieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and tv/elve;) and if upon making every or any fuch Accounts, fo much Monies as fhall appear to have come into the Receipt of Exchequer, upon or for the faid Funds hereby appointed, fhall fall fhort of one fourtli Part of the faid annual Sum of five hundred fixty-eight thoufand two hundred feventy-nine Pounds and ten Shillings, or of fuch proportionable Part thereof as Ihall be due, as herein af- ter is mentioned, within or for the preceding Qi^iarter of a Year : And then anJfo often, and in every fuch Deficienry to te Cafe, it is hereby declared and enafted. That every fuch Deficiency and Deficiencies fliall, immediately made good by the after the fame fliall appear, be provided for, anfwcred_, and made good, by or out of any fuch publick Mo- Treafurer of the ney. Tallies, Orders, or other Parliamentary Securities, as fliall be then in the Hands or Power of the jJs'^orje^s &;[ 'I'reafurer or Paymafler of her Majefly's Navy for the time being, when fuch Deficiency fhall happen, ' -. - upon which there fliall not be at that Tims an aftual Direftion; and in cafe there fhall not be then fuf- ficient of fuch publick Monies, Tallies, Orders, or other Parliamentary Securities, in the Hands or Povver of the faid Treafurer or Paymaflier of the Navy, as aforefaid, to make good and complete fuch Deficiency, then and in fuch Cafe, all the publick Monies, Tallies, Orders, and Parliamentary Securities, which fliall (at the Time of fuch Deficiency happening) be in the Hands or Power of the Treafurer or Paymafler of her Majefly's Navy for the time being, upon which there fhall not at that Time be an aftual Direftion, fo far as tlie iame will extend, fhall be immediately paid and applied towards making good every fuch Defi- ciency ; and the Refidue and Remainder of every fuch Deficiency fliall be made good, paid, and difcharged by arid out of the firft and next publick Monies, Talli-.s, Orders, or Parliamentary Securities, which fhall come to the Hands or Power of the Treafurer or Paymafter of her Majefi:y's Navy for the time being (af- ter every fuch Deficiency fhall happen) and the fame fliall not be applied or diverted to any other Ufe; and the Treafurer or Paymafter of her R'lajefty's Navy for the time being, is and are hereby authorized and required to make fuch Payment and Application for and towards making good fuch Deficiency and Defi- ciencies, as aforefaid, when and as often as the fame fliall happen, without Fee or Charge, and without any further or other Warrant or Authority, to be fued for, had, or obtained in that Behalf from, her Ma- jefty, her Heirs or SuccefiTors, or any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever ; the faid Payment and Applica- tion to be made and paid to the Cafhier or Treafurer of the faid Company or Corporation, to be erefted in Purfuai-ice of this Aft, for the Ufe of the faid Company or Corporation. XVII. And to the end the Service of the Navy may not be leflened, or prejudiced by fuch Application An tftimstso of the Money, Tallies, Orders, or other publick Securities, which fliall be in the Hands or Power of the 1^= t^iai'^ by a Treafurer or Paymafter of the Navy, and which fhall be by him applied to the maldng good fuch Defi- '^■^'-<^'":^'" ■^'"'^P ciency, as aforefaid ; Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in the Month of January, yearly and Ye"ft^ow every Year, until the faid five and twentieth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, the ainch'thcFunds Commiffioners of the Treafury now being, or the Lord High Treafurer, or Cornmiflioners of the Treafury will produce. for the Time being, fhall caufe an Eftimate or Computation to be made by a iMedium of the three pre- . ■ ceding Years, how much the Funds hereby fettled and appointed for Payment of the faid Annuities, after the Rate of fix Pounds /;f?" C«K/;(w/>tr yf«»i^w,_will_ produce for the enfuing Year, commencing from the five and twentieth Day of December next enfuing fuch Eftimate or Computation, and how much the fame will fall fhort of answering and paying the faid annual Sum of five hundred fixty-eight thoufand two hun- P P P z drcd