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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/759

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A. D. 1746. Anno decimonono Georgii II. C. 34. 693 ers of the Cuftoms or Excife reflectively as aforefaid, and laying fufficient Proof before them, of, . E fuch Perfon being killed as aforefaid, fhall have and receive the Sum of one hundred Pounds ; all of PerfonfkiL which Rewards before mentioned fhall be paid to the feveral and rtfpective Perfons, who fhall be- «d, icol come intitled thereto as aforefaid, by the Receiver General of the Cuftoms, or Cafhier of the Ex- cife refpeclively, upon an Order dire&cd to them for that Purpofe by the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms or Excife ; and the Money paid by fuch Receiver General, or Cafhier, as aforefaid, fhall be accepted of, and allowed in his Accounts as fo much Money paid to his Majefty ; and every fuch Officer fhall be hereby difcharged thereof accordingly; any Law, Cuftom, or Ufage to the con- trary notwithftanding. XL And be it further enacted, That if any of the faid Offender or Offenders in that Part of Offenders M- Great Britain called England, at any Time before his Majefty's Order in Council fhall be made i^°'„ m * r c ' requiring him or them to furrender him or themfelvcs within the Space of forty Days as aforefaid, Accomplices* fhall dilcover two or more of his, her or their Accomplices therein, to the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms or Excife in England refpeclively, and apprehend them, or caufe them to be apprehend- ed, fo as they, or two of them at leaft, be brought to Juftice, and convicted of fuch Offence, the Offender or Offenders fo difcovering, fhall have and receive the Sum of fifty Pounds for every fuch Offender fo ■ difcovered and convicted, as a Reward for fuch his, her or their Difcovery ; and t0 every fuch Perfon fo difcovering (ball be clearly acquitted and difcharged of fuch his, her or their and be acquic- Offence, and all other the like Offences then before committed, for which no Profecution (hall have ted- been then commenced : Which faid Reward fhall be paid in fuch Manner as herein before is mentioned, with refpect to the Reward for apprehending. . XII. Provided always, That nothing in this Act contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to Provifo for reftrain his Majefty's Court of King's' Bench, or any of the Judges thereof, or the Court of Judiciary in Bail. Scotland, or any of the Judges thereof refpeclively, from bailing any Perfon committed for Felony by OmtimedU virtue of this Act, and not convicted or attainted thereof as aforefaid, in fuch Manner as they may by 32 c«. z. <■. 18. Law do in other Cafes of Felony. ' XIII. And whereas at the fame Time that the Laws made for fecuring the Revenues of C11- f ftoms and Excife are enforced for the future, by new Penalties and Provilions, which for the ' Sake of the fair Trader, the Security of the publick Revenue, the Quiet and Safety of the King-

  • dom, and the Honour and Dignity of Government, ought moft rigoroufly and ftrielly to be put in

' Execution, it may be proper to pardon many of thole who have heretofore been guilty of fuch

  • illegal Practices, and put it in their Power to make fome Atonement for their Offences, and fome

' Return for the Clemency extended to them, by ferving his Majefty and their Country aboard the ' Fleet;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon who, before the Offenders before twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, fhall have been guilty of il- 2+ J une J 74 6 - legal Running, Landing, Unlhipping, Concealing, Receiving, or Carrying any Wooll, prohibited Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, or any Foreign Goods liable to the Payment of the Duties of Cuftoms or Excife, the fame Duties not having been paid or fecured, or of aiding or affifting there- in, or fhall have been armed with Fire-arms, or other offenfive Arms or Weapons, in order to be aiding or affifting any fuch Offenders, or have been guilty of refcuing fuch Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, or fuch Foreign Goods as aforefaid, where Duties had not been paid or fecured,. after Seizure from the Officers of the Cuftoms or Excife, or of any Act or Matter whatsoever,, whereby Perfons may be deemed and taken to be Runners of Foreign Goods and Commodities, within the Intent and Meaning of any Law now in Force; or of hindering, oppofing, obftruchng, wounding, or beating any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms or Excife in the Execution of his or their Office or Duty, or of aiding or sffifting therein, (ball be, and are, by the Authority of this prefent Act, acquitted, indemnified, releafed, and difcharged againft the King's Majefty, his ac q uitted > &c - Heirs and Succeffors, and any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms or Excife, and every of them, and all and every other Perfon and Perfons, of and from all and every the faid Offences, concern- 1 Sailors from the Time of fuch Entry, actually and bona fide ferve and do Duty as fuch in the faid Fleet; ln the FJeet ' and fhall alfo, before the faid twenty-ninth Day of September, regifter his Name, Employment, and ufual Place of Abode, with the Clerk of the Peace of the County, Riding, or Divifion where he refides, in a Book which is hereby directed to be kept by the faid Cletk among the Records of the Seffions for the faid County, Riding, or Divifion, for this Purpofe, and (hall fign fuch Regi- fter, fignifying that he claims the Benefit of this Ac't, and that he has entered himfelf with a cer- tain Commiffion Officer, by Name, of his Majefty's Fleet, to ferve as a common Sailor ; which En- try fhall be made in the following Form ; AB. of claims the Benefit of an Aft of the Nineteenth Year of the Reign Form of die • of lis Majefty King George the Second, and has entered himfelf ivith. a Commiffion Officer of his Entr >'- 'Majefty's Fleet, and has regijkred his Nam'e in. the Boot kept ly the Clerk of the Peace of this County, Riding, 'or 'Divifion, this D.iy of pnrjmnt to the . Direi lions of the faid Jit. For