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C. 35.
Anno decimo nono Georgii II.
A. D. 1746.

Fee for entry, 1 s. For which Entry or Register there shall be paid to the Clerk of the Peace of such County, Riding or Division, one Shilling, and no more; Clerks of the Peace to transmit the Entry. and that the said Clerks of the Peace shall immediately after the said twenty-ninth Day of September, transmit to the Commissioners of the Customs and Excise an exact Account of all the Persons who have, by such Entry or Register as aforesaid, intitled themselves to claim the Benefit of this Act.

Persons claiming under this Act, and offending again, &c. XIV. Provided always, That every Person who shall make such Entry, and claim the Benefit of this present Act as aforesaid, and shall afterwards be guilty of, or commit any of the like Offences as those herein before mentioned, or hereby intended to be acquitted, released, or discharged, or shall at any Time after desert from the said Service, or within the said Year procure his Discharge therefrom, liable to double Prosecution. shall be Subject and liable to be prosecuted, not only for or in reject of such new Offence, but shall also be subject and liable to all the same Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures, as he would have incurred, or been subject or liable to, in case this Indemnity had never been given; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

Penalty on false Musters, &c. XV. Provided also, That if any Officer of his Majesty's Navy shall by false Muster or Certificate, or any other collusive or evasive Ways or Means whatsoever, suffer or permit such Person to avoid the actual Service as aforesaid, such Person shall not only lose the Benefit of this Act, but every such Officer shall suffer the Penalty of five hundred Pounds.

Cofts, &c. not to be given to Defendant, where there was a a probable Cause of Seizure. XVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in case any Information shall be commenced and brought to Trial, on Account of the Seizure of any Ship as forfeited for illegally carrying Goods, or of any Wooll, Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, as prohibited or uncustomed, or illegally carried or exported, or intended or attempted to be exported, or as illegally relanded after having been shipt or exported upon Debenture or Certificate, wherein a Verdict shall be found for the Claimer thereof, and it shall appear to the Judge or Court before whom the same shall be tried, that there was a probable Cauie of Seizure, The Judge shall certify the Judge or Court before whom the said Information shall be tried, shall certify on the Record, that there was a probable Cause for the Prosecutor's seizing the said Ship or Goods; and in such Case, the Defendant shall not be intitled to any Costs of Suit whatsoever, nor shall the Persons who seized the said Ship or Goods be liable to any Action, Indictment, or other Suit or Prosecution on Account of such Seizure; and that in case any Action, Indictment, or other Prosecution, shall be commenced and brought to Trial against any Person or Perfons whatsoever, on Account of the Seizure of any such Ship, or of any Wooll, Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes, as prohibited or uncustomed, or as illegally carried or exported, or intended or attempted to be exported, or illegally relanded as aforesaid, wherein a Verdict shall be given against the Defendant or Defendants, it the Court or Judge, before Damages 2 s.
Fine 1d.
whom such Action or Profecution shall be tried, shall certify on the said Record, that there was a probable Cause for such Seizure, then the Plaintiff, besides his Ship or Goods so seized, or the Value thereof, shall not be intitled to above two Pence Damager, nor to any Costs of Suit, nor shall the Defendant in such Profecution be fined above one Shilling.

This Act to be in Force for 7 Years Continued by 26 Geo. 2. c. 32. XVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act shall continue in Force for the Space of seven Years, and from thence to the End of the next Session of Parliament.

Concering Customs, see further 11 Geo. 1, c. 2. 28 Geo. 2. c. 21. 30 Geo. 2. c. 18 & 29. 32 Geo. 2. c. 10.

An Adt more effectually to prevent the Frauds and Abuses committed in the Admeasurement of Coals within the City and Liberty of Westminster, and that Part of the Dutchy of Lancaster adjoining thereto, and the Several Parishes of Saint Giles in the Fields, Saint Mary Le Bon, and such Part of the Parish of Saint Andrew, Holborn, as lies in the County of Middlesex.

Continued and amended by 25 Geo. 2. c. 26. and lastly by 32 Geo. 2. c. 27. For former laws refer to 3 Geo. 2. c. 26. 4 Geo. 2. c. 30. 10 Geo. 2. c. 32. 11 Geo. 2. c. 15. 13 Geo. 2. c. 21. 17 Geo. 2. c. 35. 'Whereas many Frauds and Abuses are daily committed in the Admeasurement of Coals, and in realting to the Coal Trade, within the City and Liberty of Westminster, and that parrt of the Dutchy of Lancaster adjoining thereto, and in the Parish of Saint Giles in the Fields, Saint Mary le Bon, and such Part of the Parish of Saint Andrew, Holborn, as lies in the County of Middlesex, notwithstanding the Laws now in Force for the Regulation of the Coal Trade:' For Remedy thereof, be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That

Land Coal-meters Office to be erected in Westminster and 2, Managers to be appointed. 22 Geo 2. c. 26 from and after the twenty-fourth Day of September one thousand seven hundred and forty-six, there shall be erected and continued, within the City and Liberty of Westminster, one publick Office, which shall be called by the Name of The Land Coal-meters Office, for the City and Liberty of Westminster which said Office shall from time to time managed by two Persons, to be nominated and appointed by his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors; Thier title which said two Persons, so to be nominated and appointed, shall be called and known by the Name of The Principal Land Coal-meters for the City and Liberty of West minster, Office Hours and such Office, after erected Shall be kept open every Day (Sundays excepted) from the twenty-fifth Day of March to the twenty-ninth Day of September yearly, during the Continuance of this Act, from the Hour of Fivetill