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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/761

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A. D. 1746. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. C. 35. 695 till Twelve in the Forenoon, and from the Hour of One till Eight in the Afternoon; and from the twenty-ninth Day of September to the twenty-fifth Day of March yearly, during the Continu- ance of this Act, from the Hour of Seven till Twelve in the Forenoon, and from the Hour of One till Six in the Afternoon. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons mail be principals to be capable of acting as one of the Principal Land Coal-meters, until he or they mall, before two fworn. or more of his faid Majefty's Juftices of the Peace for the faid City and Liberty of IVeJlminJlcr (who are hereby authorized and required to adminifter the fame) take an Oath in the Words fol- lowing ; to wit, /A. B. do fiuear, That I will, truly and faithfully, according to the bejl of my Judgement and Ability, lhe0 * {h ' execute the Office of one of the Principal Land Coal-meters for the City and Liberty of Weftminfter, , and for that Part of the Dutchy of Lancafter adjoining thereto, and for the feveral Pari/hes of Saint Giles in the Fields, Saint Mary le Bon, and for fuch Part of the Par if) of Saint Andrew, Holborn, as, lies in the County of Middlefex. So help me God. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it mall and may be lawful to Pr J^lfbo°r^ ' and for the faid Principal Land Coal-meters, or any one or more of them, and they, or any one coal-meter""" 5 or more of them, are and is hereby authorized to appoint a fufficient Number of Perfons to be Labouring Coal-meters within the faid City and Liberty, and the aforefaid Part of the faid Dutchy of Lancafter, and in the faid Parishes, and the aforefaid Part of the faid Parifh of Saint Andrew, Holborn; one of which faid Labouring Coal-meters fhall attend every Day [Sundays excepted) at fuch tobeftationed, of the Coal Wharfs, Warehoufcs, or other Places of Sale, within the faid City and Liberty, and in the aforefaid Part of the faid Dutchy of Lancqjler, and in the faid Parifhes, and the aforelaid Part of the faid Parifh of Saint Andrew, Holborn, at which he fhall be Rationed by the Principal Land Coal-meters, or any one or more of them, from the twenty-fifth Day of March to the twenty- ninth Day of September yearly, during the Continuance of this Act, from the Hour of Five till Hours cfAt- Twelve in the Forenoon, and from the Hour of One till Eight in the Afterndon ; and from the tendance, twenty-ninth Day of September to the twenty-fifth Day of March yearly, during the Continuance of this Act, from the Hour of Seven till Twelve in the Forenoon, and from the Hour of One till Six in the Afternoon, to meafure out the Coals which fhall, from time to time, be fold at any of the faid Wharfs or Warehoufes, where fuch Labouring Coal-meters fhall be fo ftationed as afore- faid - IV. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall be Tobelworn - capable of acting as one of the Labouring Coal-meters to be appointed as aforefaid, until he or they fhall, before two or more of his faid Majefty's Juftices of the Peace for the faid City and Liberty of Weflminfler (who is and are hereby authorized and required to adminifter the fame) take an Oath in the Words following ; to wit, /A.B. do fivear, That I will duly and faithfully, to the bejl of my Skill and Knowledge, execute //«• The-Ostn. Office of one of the Labouring Coal-meters for the faid City and Liberty of Weftmiqfter, and for that - Part of the JJutchy of Lancafter adjoining thereto, and for the feveral Parijhes of Saint Giles in the Fields, and for Saint Mary le Bon, and for fuch Part of the Parif) of Saint Andrew, Holborn, as lies in the County of Middlefex ; and will well and truly, according to the bejl of my Skill and Judgment, meafure Coals, between Buyer and Seller, ivithout Favour or Ill-will. So help me God. And the faid Juftices reflectively, who fhall adminifter the faid Oaths hereby directed, are hereby Juftices to ect=- required to certify the taking thereof to the next General Quarter Sefllons of the Peace, to beheld tifyoteOathSj for the faid County of Middlefex, after the taking of fuch Oaths refpectively, there to remain on Record. V! And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Lighterman,, or other Per- F 6 "^ ^;, fon, after Coals fhall have been been delivered on Board any Lighter or Craft from out of any lea ' n S Ship, fhall break Bulk, before the Time of Delivery at the Wharf, in the Abfence of a Meter, or of the Confumer, or of his Agent (in Cafes where the Meter is not hereby obliged to attend the Delivery) the Perfon fo offending in this Refpect (hall, for every Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of live Pounds. VI. And, in order to prevent Confederacy, be it enacted, That the Stations to be appointed to and Stations to be. for the faid Labouring Coal-meters, at the faid Wharfs, fhall be varied in fuch Manner as the Princi- va " e * pal Coal-meters, or any one or more of them fhall think fit. VII. And be it further enacted, That all Contracts and Agreements to be made at any Time, from and after the faid twenty-fourth Da"y of September, for any Quantity of Coals to be delivered' within the faid City and Liberty of IVefimhfier, or the aforelaid Part of the faid Dutchy, or the-