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s 278 C. 35, 36. Anno viGefirao terdo G E o R G 1 1 II. A. D. 1750. ' fjd (not being Gold or Silver in Coin or Bullion) or with the Produce arifing from the Saks of fuch ' Woollen or other Manufaftures, Goods or Commodities, fo exported as aforefaid, and not otherv/ife j ' and that in Default of taking fuch Oath or Affirmation, all fuch Silk, or other the Produce, Commodities ' or Msnufad'tures of Perfta, fo imported from Riijfta, fhall be liable to be feized and forfeited in like ' Manner, as if the fame had been imported contrary to the A£t made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of ' King Charles the Second, intituled, Jn Act for encouraging and increaftng of Shipping and Navigation : ' And whereas, foon after the Commencement of the faid A&. made in the fourteenth Year of his prefent ' Majefty's Reign, a very beneficial Trade between G>Vi7^ fin'w/w and P^r/?,?, througYt RuJJia, was opened,

  • by Means whereof great Quantities of Raw Silk, and other the Goods and Commodities, of the Growth,

' Produce or Manufafliure of Perfa, were imported into this Kingdom, in Return for the Woollen and ' other Manufaftures, Goods and Commodities of Great Britain, upon much eafier and more advantageous ' Terms than fuch Silk and other Goods and Commodities of the Grov/th, Produce or Manufafture of Per- ' j^fl could have been otherwife procured : But whereas the faid Trade hetv^.'sen Great Britain and Perfa, ' through Rujfia, hath been, for fom.e Time paft, interrupted, the Subjects of Great Britain not having ' been of late permitted to tranfport iJrzV//^ Manufaftures, Goods and Commodities into Pe-fa, through the ' Dominions or Territories of or belonging to the Empire of Rufia, in confequence whereof the Importa- ' tion of Raw Silk, and other Commodities of the Growth, Produce or IVlanufafture of Perfa, from RuJJia, ' hath been difcontinued : And whereas it would be of great Advantage to the Trade of this Kingdom in ' general, as well as contribute to the Increafe and Improvement of the Siik Manufaftures in particular, if ' Raw Silk of the Growth or Produce of Perfa, purchafed in Ritjfta, v/ere permitted to be imported from ' any of the Countries, Dominions or Territories of the Empire of Rvfia, in Return for ^Voollen and ' other Manufaftures exported from Great Britain to Rv.Jfm, although the fame be not carried from thence ' into Perfa ;' May it therefore pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacted ; and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- mons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, it fnall and may be lav.'ful to and for ' any Perfon or Perfons, free or to be free, of the faid Fellowfhip of EngUJJi Merchants for Difcovery of new An exdufive Trades, commonly called The RufKa Company, exclufive of ail others, to bring and import into this King- Kight granted to Jom, in Britijlo built Shipping, navigated according to Law, from any Port or Place within the Countries, lany "t ->'imp°ort' Territories or Dominions of or belonging, to the Empire of Ruffa, Raw Silk of the Grov/th or Produce of ft, m'Ruffia, Perfa, which fhall be purchafed by Barter with Woollen or other Manufaftures, Goods or Commodities Raw Silk of the exported from Great Britain to Ruffia, although the fame^be not carried from thence into Perfa, (Gold and Produce of Per- Silver in Coin or Bullion excepted) or with the Produce arifing from the Sale of fuch Manufadlures, Goods

  • "• or Commodities, ex'^ioritd horn Great Britain to Ruffia as aforefaid, and not otherwife, upon paying or fe-

curingto be paid, the Cuftoms and other Duties now payable for the fame, by any Law now in Force, ac- cording to fuch Rules, Methods and Direftions, and in the fame Manner and Form, and with fuch Al- lowances., Abatements, Difcounts and Drawbacks, and under fuch Penalties, Forfeitures and Difabilitics, as are by Law prefcribed and pradfifed, on the Importation of Raw Silk of the Growth or Produce of Perfa, imported into this Kingdom from any Port or Place in the Levant Seas, by any Perfon or Perfons free of the Levant or Tvrkey Cov[<^2in-y ; any thing in the faid Aft made in the fourteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, or in thefaid Ad; made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An Jiifor encouraging and increafng of Shipping and Navigation, to the contrary notwithftanding. Importers to II. Provided alv/ays, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Silk of the Growth or rriake Oaih of Produce of Perfa, fhall be imported into Great Britain, from any of the Countries, Dominions or Territo- p^irchaicd^b'"" '^^^^ °^ °'" belonging to the Empire of Rujfia, by virtue of this hSi, unlefs the Importer or Importers thereof Birterwith do make Oath before the Colleftor, Cuftomer or Comptroller of his Majefty's Cuftoms (who are hereby Ooodsexported impowered and required to adminifter fuch Oath) at the Port or Place of Importation, that to the beft of fio.ii Great Bri- h'is ot their Knowledge and Belief the Silk contained in his or their Entry or Entries was really and truly faiji to Ruffia. purchafd by Barter with Woollen or other Manufactures, Goods or Commodities, exported from Gnv/'/ Britain to Rufia (not being Gold or Silver in Coin or Bullion) or with the Produce ariimg from the Sale of fuch Woollen, or other Manufaftures, Goods or Commodities, fo exported as aforefaid, and not other- wife ; and in Default of making fuch Oath, all fuch Silk fo imported from any of the Countries, Dominions or Territories of or belonging to the Empire of Rujfa, Ihall be liable to be feized and forfeited, in like Manner as if the fame had been imported contrary to the faid Ad: made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, A71 ASi for encouraging and increafng of Shipping and Navigation. Rights of the III- Provided alfo. That nothing herein contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to deprive the Eait Jndia Com- Corporation of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eajl Indies, of any of the panyreferved. Powers, Privileges, Franchifcs and Benefits which do or fliall belong to them, or which they could or might have had and enjoyed in any Manner whatfoever, if this Aft had not been made ; any thing herein con- tained to thecontr;,ry notwithftanding. PuUitk M. IV. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That this Ad: fliall be deemed a Publick kdc, and fhall be judicially taken Notice of as fuch by all Judges, Juftices, and other Perfons whatfoever, with- out fpecially pleading the fame. CAP, XXXV. An Ad for making a better and more eflFedual Provifion for the Relief of the Poor, for the cleanfing the Streets, and for keeping a Ni-htly Watch, within the Paiifli of Saint Martin in the Fields, within the Liberties of the City of U'ejlminjler. P R. CAP. XXXVI. An Ad for fettling a Stipend or Maintenance upon the Redor of the Parifli of Saint George the Martyr, in the Borough of Souibivark, in the County of Surry, and his Succeilbrs, in lieu of Tythcs. P R. CAP.