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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/377

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A. D. 1 75 1. Anno vlcefimo quarto Georgii II. C. 24. 357 ' ihe Dominions thereunto belonging, according to the Laws, Culloms and Statutes thereof; nnd will in ' all Things, to the utmoli: of my Power and Ability, confult and maintain the Safety, Honour and Dig- ' nity of his or her (ai the Cafe flmll require) Majefty, and the Welfare of his or her (as the Cafe Jhcdl

  • require) People.

So help me God,' IX. And each of the Members of the faid Council of Regency, and their Succeflbrs, fhall, before Oath of Office fhcy fhall refpeftivcly aft in or enter upon their refpeftive Offices as Members of the faid Council, '" '^'^ i^;"'"^" ^ , take the follov/ing Oath of Office (that is to fay) the^Co'uncj].'^' " J. B. do folemnly promife and fwear. That I will truly and faithfully ferve his or her (as the Cafe fall require) Majefty, in the Office of one of the Council of Regency, eftabliflied by an Aft of Parliament made in the twenty-fourth Year of the Reign of his Majefty King George the Second, inti- tuled, An ASl to provide for the Adminijlraiion of the Govermnent, in eafe the Croiun foould defend to any of the Children of his late Royal Highnefs Frederick Prince of Wales, being under the Age of eighteen Tears ; and far the Care and Guardianfip of their Perfons ; and that I will duly and faithfully execute the faid Office, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid Aft; and that in all Matters and Things which fhall be moved, debated and confidered in the Council of Regency, I will truly and faithfully de- clare my JMind and Opinion, according to my Heart and Confcience, and the heft of my Judgment ; and will fupport, maintain, and defend the Perfon, Honour, Crown and Dignity of his or her (as the Cafe fall require) Majefty, to the utmoft of my Power. So help me God.' Each of which Oaths fhall be taken before the Privy Council then in Being, who are hereby required and To b= taken be- impowered to adminifter the fame, and to enter the fame in the Council Books. Council ^^'"^ X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That her iaid Royal Highnefs, and every Per- Her Royal Hi^h- fon who fhall be of the Council of Regency by virtue of this Aft, and of the Powers hereby given, T. all nefs and the ° be deemed and taken to be Perfons having and executing Offices or Places of Truft within England, and Council to qua- take and fubfcribe fuch Oaths, make and fubfcribe fuch Declaration, and do all fuch Afts as are required I'ty themfelvts, by the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom, to qualify Perfons to hold and continue in Offices and Places ^^^^^^^^ "^^^ ° of Truft, within fuch Times, and in fuch Manner, and under fuch Pains, Penalties, Forfeitures and Difabilities, as in and by the faid Laws and Statutes are required. XI. Provided neverthelefs, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall be lawful for her '^"'^°y=High- faid Royal Highnefs to take and fubfcribe the faid Oaths, and make and fubfcribe fuch Declaration, i" "he Oa'i:hs&c and before the Privy Council, and the Certificate of her faid Royal Highnefs's having received the Sacra- before the'pri^vy mcnt of the Lord's Supper, in any of the Royal Chapels, figned by the Perfon adminiftering the fame. Council, and re- fhall be regiilercd in the iaid Privy Council, and her faid Royal Highnefs's fo taking and fubfcribing the '^'^^^ 5^= Sacr^- faid Oaths, and making and fubfcribing the faid Declaration, and taking the faid Sacrament, fhall be to ^-H ^^"'.'pL*^ , Intents and Purpofes as efteflual as if the fame had been taken, made and fubfcribed in the Manner re- °^^ ^^^ ' quired by Law, for the Qualification of Perfons to hold and continue in Offices and Places of Truft. XII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That whenfoever his prefent Majefty (whom Up°" ^'^ Maje- God long preferve) fliall happen to demife, leaving fuch Succeffor as aforefaid, under the Age of eighteen |*jj'^"'j^^j^'^^'/ ^"^ Years, the Privy Council for the Kingdom of Gr:at Britain in being, at the Time of fuch Demife, fhali, hisSue'ceftbrfthc with all convenient Speed, aflemble, and caufe fuch next Succeffor intitled to the Crown oi Great Britain, Privy Council to by virtue of an Aft of the twelfth Year of the Reign of King William the Third, (intituled. An Aci for'^^^'^ fuch Sue- the further Limitation of the Crozvn, and better fecuriizg the Rights and Liberties of the SubjeSt) to be openly "'^P ^° ^^ P'°- and folemnly proclaimed in the ufual Manner in Great Britain and Ireland; and that all and every Member jj'^^_ ' e. ^_ and Members of the faid Privy Council, wilfully neglefting or refufing to caufe fuch Proclamations to be under Penalty of made, fhall be guilty of High Treafon, and fiiffer upon Conviflion thereof Pains of Death, and all other High Treafon. . Loffes and Forfeitures, as in cafes of High Treafon. XIII. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in the Creation of all Peer- P'^ Majority of ages and i^ii^»^in,ii^i* w* Mji J ii v„iiujtiiiw|^nv.is-a aiiu Jjiiiiupi iuj.a in i^jn^LUfiii ui ir ctartu, lih- ^iin^i^o ui xjuiu v^iiaii- necefiary i , cellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Great Britain or Ireland, of Lord Treafurer or Treafurers of Cieations, &c, the Exchequer, or Commiffioners for executing the Office of Treafurer of the Exchequer, Lord Prefident of the Council, Lord Privy Seal, Lord High Admiral, or Commiffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral, the Principal Secretaries of State, Maftcr of the Rolls in Great Britain and Ireland, and of all the Judges of the Courts oi King's Bench and Common Pleas, and Barons of the Courts of Exchequer in England and Ireland, and of the Judges of the Court of Seffion, Court of Jufticiary, and Barons of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, and in the giving Inftruftions, Orders and Authorities for the making any Treaties with any foreign Powers ; the Confent of the faid Council of Regency, or the major Part of any five or more of them fo aiTembled as aforefaid, fhall be neceffary to make the faid Creations, Pardons, Gifts, Grants, Difpofitions, Inftruftions, Orders or Authorities, good and effeftual. XIV. Provided alfo, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall not be lawful for her H^Koyal High- faid Royal Highnefs to make War or Peace, ratify any Treaty with any foreign Power, or to prorogue, ™^*"°'^p°'"^<^ adjourn or diflolve any Parliament, without the Confent of the major Part of the whole Council of Re-p,o"°„^ '^m%{- gency, then in Being, and in Great Britain, in cafe there fhall then be an unequal Number in Great 5r/-folve an/p^rliaZ tain i and if the Number then in Great Britai/s ihall be an equal Number, then without the Confent of ment, without one