35^ C. :24. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii li. A. D. 1751. Confi-nt of the pnc half Part of the faid Council, and that her faid Royal Highnefs, cither with or without the Confent of ^'"'t<'a R°n' l ^^^ '^^ Council of Regency, fhall not give the Royal Afl'cnt to any Bill or Bills in Parliament, for re- SIieru"to laiy" P'-' '"gi chaiigitig, Or in arty refpedt varying from the Order and Courfc of Succelfion to the Crown of Aft loraiirring this Realm, as the fame ftands now eftabliihed in the illuftrious Houfe oi Honover, by f.c faid AdI: of the the Succfirmn, twelfth Year of the Reign of King JVilUatn the Third, (intituled, An Aizl for the /• rther Lhuilaliort of the ho? for a-pcihng ^^^jy„, and bcttc'v fxiuiiig the Rights and Liberties of the SuhjcSl) or to any A(5t for repealing or altering the "iiclTt c. 4.'^'^'^ '?^'^^ '" ^^^ thirteenth Year of the Reign of iCing Charles the Second, (intituled, A?i A.^ for the Uni- ' formiiy nf puhlick Prayers arid Adnviiijlrntion of Sacraments^ and oth:r Rites and Ccreinonles-, andfor ejlabl'jhing the Form of makings ordaining and eonfccratlng Btjhops, Pricfis, and Dw.cons^ in the Church of England^ or or j Annae. one A61: of the fifth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne^ made in Scotland (intituled, An ASt for fuuring thi P rote/rant Religion and Prejbyterian Church Government. Members of the ^ V. Provided alfo, and be it further ena6ted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Archbifhop of Cctnterbury, Council by rca- or any other Perfon appointed by tliis Act to be of the faid Council of Regency, in virtue or by reafon of foil of Office, lohij Dignity or Office, Ihall contijiue .'lo longer of the faid Council than he fhall continue in fuch his faid he no longer of Djgnjty or Office, and his SuccclTor in fuch Dignity or OfHce fhall become one of the fud Council ; and ihcy contTnuein'-^'^'^ ""^ Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time being, the Lord Treafurer or firft OfHce. GommifKoner of the Treafin-y for the 'I'ime being, the Lord Prefident of the Council for the Time being, Offic(^i-s2ppo!!it-tne Lord Privy Seal for the Time being, the Lord High Admiral or firll: CommifTioner of the Admiralty for ci u) be of the jiie Time being, and the Principal Secretaries of State for the Time b;ing, fo appointed to be of the faid ^^^"^Qy"^ Council Of Regc'ncy by this Aa, fhall continue in their faid refpedive Offices, after fuch Defcent of the unlefi removed. Crown to any of the Children of his faid Royal Highnefs Frederick late Prince of IVales, during the Re- gency of her faid Royal Highnefs, as well after as before the Expiration of fix Months from the Time of fuch Defcent, unlefs removed by her fiiid Royal Highnefs, with the Confent of a major Part of the whole Council of Regency then in Being, and in Great Britain, in cafe there fliall then be an uneq^ial Number in Great Britain ; and if the Number then in Great Britain fhall be an equal Number, then with the Con- fent of one half Part of the faid Council, or upon the Addrefs of both Houfes of Parliament, in which lai -r Cafe her Royal Highnefs alone may remove any of the faid Officers againft whom fuch Addrefs fhall be prefented. Members of the XVL Provided neverthelcfs, That the Archbifhop of Canterbury for the Time being, and the Lord Council may be Chief Juflicc of the Court of Kinv's Bench for the Time being, notwithilanding their remaining in fuch her Royal eat Britain, real Britain boilj f^oufes of jQiall be an equal Number, then with the Confent of one half Part of the faid Council, or upon the Ad- Pjiiiament. ^^^^ of both fioufes of Parliament ; and that any other of the Members of the faid Council not fo appointed in virtue or by reafon of their Dignities or Offices, may be removed iikewife by her Royal Highnefs, with Vacancies of the like Confent, or upon the Addrefs of both Houfes of Parliament ; and within two Calendar Months Members of the j,fjgj. fy^|^ Defcent of the Crown as aforefaid, in cafe any Vacancy or Vacancies of any of the faid Offices fincrJp within ^^" happen then to be, and within the Space of two Calendar Months after every Vacancy which fhall 2 Months. happen by means of fuch Removal, or by the Death or Refignation of any Member of the faid Council of Regency, her Royal Highnefs fhall and is required, with the Confent of the Council of Regency, or the major Part of thofe prefent, not being lefs than five, to fill up fuch Vacancy by the Appointment of a new Officer, where the Vacancy happens by the Death, Removal or Refignation of one of the Members of the faid Council, foappointed in virtue or by reafon of his Dignity or Office, or by the Appointment of a new Mcmher of the faid Council, being a natural-born SubjeiSt of this Realm, where the Vacancy hap- pens by the Death or Removal, or Refignation of any Member, not being one of the Officers named in this A6f , or by the Refignation or Removal of the Archbiiliop of Canterbury, or of the Lord Chief Juftice of the A7w'i Bench, from being of the faid Council of Regency. J^ightsofihc ' XVII. Provided always, and belt cnaftcd by the Authority aforefaid. That nothing herein contained Piivy Council {hall take away or prejudice the Rights, Authorities, Powers and Jurifdiftions t)f the PTivy Council, but prefctved. jjg^ f^jj Rgyy] Highnefs fliall have full Power to fummon and hold, or to caufe the fame to be fummoned and holdcn in the ufnal Manner, and any of the Members of the faid Council of Regency may be and continue of the Privy Council alio. Upon Defcent of XVIII. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefiiid. That whenfoevcr and as often as the Minor'the" I'V Crown fliall defccnd to fuch Minor Succefl:br as aforefaid, in cafe a Parliament fhall be then in Being,; lia'ment to cnn' which fhall have met and fat, fuch Parliament fliall continue for three Years, from the Time of fuch De- tlniie for thr.e fccnt, tnilcls fuch Succefibr to whom the Crown fhall defcend as aforefaid, flnall fooner attain his or her Years, unlefs Age of eighteen Years, or fiich Parliament fliall be fooner diiTolved by her faid Royal Highnefs with the !l"ii ?'">""" ^o'lf'^nt of a major Part of the Coiincil of Regency, then in Being,' and in Great Britain, in cafe there o|- Arc" or°the ^^"" ^'""" ^^ " ""cqual Number jri Great Britain, and if the Nun'^ber then in Great Britain fhall be an p.ulian'ient be «^1"^' Number, then with the Confent of one half Part of the faid Council ; and in cafe at the Time of d (loived, &c. fuch Defcent, there fliall be no Parliameiit in Being, which fhall have met and lat, then the hA preceding If no I'jriiamcnt Parliament fhall immediately convene and fit -eX IVeli^niiiJtcr, and be a Parliament to continue for three mcfed"n'['ulia '^'-'?^ ^^ al'orcfaid, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame had never been diilblved, unlefs fuch Suc- men^t to fitfor* "'^"f .^•^ fooner attain his or her Age of eighteen Years, or fuch Parliament fliall be fooner difiblvcd by 3 Years. 'icr (aid Royal Highnefs, with fuch Confent as lalt mtntioned; ^ aIa.
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