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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/379

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A. D. 1 75 1. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. C. 25. 359 XIX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That his Royal HghneCs George JVilliam^'^^'^'^'^!^ "°' '° Frederick Prince of Wales, in cafe the Crown fhall defcend or come to him before his Ag: of eighteen, or^l^^'^^"'"^.^ any other of the Children of his late Royal Highnefs Frederick Prince of Wales, to whom the "fame fhall wi'rtiout'cc'nLnt defcend before his or her Age of eighteen Years, fhall not, during the Regency of her faid Royal High-of her R,oya) nefs, be married to any Perfon whatfoever, without the Confent of her faid Royal Highnefs, and of a'^'£^"'fsand the major Part of the faid Council of Regency then in Being, and in Great Britain, in cafe there fhall then be"""'^ ' an unequal Number in Great Britain, and if the Number there in Great Britain, {hall be an equal Number, then with the Confent of one half Part of the faid Council ; and every Marriage fo had without fuch ^'^^^ Marriage Confent, fhall be null and void to all Intents and Purpofes ; and every Perfon who^fliall be afting, aiding, J!,"J,-^^"'|j"^^ abetting or concerned in obtaining, procuring or bringing about any fach Marriage, and the Perfon whocd, &c. guilty of fhall be fo married to fuch King or Queen, under the Age of eighteen Years, fliall be guilty of High High Treaionv Treafon, and fufFer and forfeit as in cafes of High Treafon. XX. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That in nil Cafes v/here the Members of the'" Cafes of Council of Regency fliall be equally divided in their Voices, her faid Royal Highnefs fhall and may decide 5^""'"^ l*" and determine the Queflion or Matter concerning which they fhall be fb equally divided, if fhe fliall beRoyainio'hncrg ■ pleafed to give her own Opinion thereupon. may decide. XXI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in all Cafes where the Confent of aWhere Confer.t ■ major or one half Part of the faid Council of Regency then in Being, and in Great Britain, is by this A<St°'^^ Majority made neceffary to the Validity of any Aft, ?atter or Thinjr, fuch Confent fliall be figned by the refpec- '1 "S? "P* „ Ml • • r 1 y". -^ /- •• r^ -1 T-» 1 11 r-^i 1 f^ ■ r 1 -^ r-i -i -the Member? are embers giving fuch Confent in the Council Books; and that a Clerk or Cler^-s of the Councu ofto fign the fame. Regency fhall be appointed by her faid Royal Highnefs, and fuch Clerk or Clerks fhall provide Eorks for.Cierk of the entering the Adls of fuch Council, and fhall enter the fame truly and faithfully, and keep the faid Books, Council to be- for which he or they fhall be anfwerable, and fuch Clerk or Clerks, before he or they enter upon the Ex- '^^'■'"!"^' ecution of their faid Office, fhall take an Oath before fuch Council, for the due Execution of fuch Office 5" office!" ^'^ or Place refpecSlively. XXII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all CommifTions, Letters Patent, Commiffions, Orders, Matters and Things to be made, pafTed, had or done by the faid Regent, either with or without*"^" i° '^^^"^'^ the Confent of the faid Council of Regency, in order unlawfully to fet afide,. change or vary the Order and pf q^^.j,";,*^; Method of Government, and Adminilrration of Government feLtled by this AiEb, during iuch Minorities asdeclared void, ' ' aforefaid, fliall be abfolutcLy null and void to all Intents and Purpofes, and every Perfon advifing, concur-^md thePerfons ring, promoting or afTifling therein, fliall incur the Penalties of Premiinire, inHicied by the faitt Statute of™""'"' '" '"•■ Pre?nunire. - curaPremuuire. XXIII. And be it declared and enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That an A& of Parliament made in the twenty-eighth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, intituled, An Ai^ giving Authority to fuch z%Hen.Z. c.17. as fiall fucceed to the Croivn of this Reahi ivhen they come to the Age of tiventy-four Years, to make frii/frate fuch ASis as Jhall be made afore in their Time ; and one other Aft made in the firft Year of the Reign of King and i Ed. 6. Edivard the Sixth, intituled. An ASt for the Repeal of a certain Statute ?nade in the eight and tiuentieth Tear'^-}^- «•"'- - of the Reign of the late King, of mofl famous Memory, Henry the Eighth, for revoking of A£ls of Parliament,"'"'-'^'-^' are determined, and of no Force or Efteft whatfoever. CAP. XXV. An A& for laying out, making and keeping in Repair, a Road proper for the PafTage of Troops and Carriages from the City of Carlifle to the Town of Newcajile uponTyne. PR. • "IT /"HERE AS the making and keeping a-free and open Communication betwen the City of Carlifle ' VV and the Town of Newcaflle upon Tyne,. hy a Road proper for the Paffage of Troops, Horfes and : ' Carriages, at all Times in the Year, would be of great Ufe and Service to the Publick ; and it hath been .. ' found by Experience, that the Want of fuch Road, PafFage and Communication, hath been attended ' with great Inconvenience and Danger to this Kingdom : And w hereas fuch Road cannot be laid out, or ' the Charge of making the fame he defrayed, otherwife than at the Expence of the Publick, and by the ' Authority of Parliament ; but it is apprehended that fuch publick Road when finifhed, may lie fupported ' and kept in Repair, by proper Tol!s and Duties to be raifed and coliefted thereupon fortlMt Purpofe ■/ May it therefore pkafe your moft Excellent Majefty, that it may be enafted, &e. " The new Road fliall extend from the V/eflr Gate of Neiicnflle to Eafl Denton, and by Chapel Hoifcs to " Heddon on the Wall, Harlozu Hill, Port Gate, Cholhrfrd Bridge, Wahvick, Carraivburgb, JVhinJhelds, " Clowgill, Bra>npton, High Crojl'y ," Draw dikes and Stanivix, to the Scotch Gate of Carlifle. Truftees to "' nominate Officers, (iff. Copies of the Accounts and of all Contrafts, tsfc. to be delivered to each Houfe " of Parliament. Surveyors may dig Gravel in Wafle Grounds, &">. without paying for the f-titie 5 level- " ling the Pits. Juflices to determine Differences. Truftees may purchafe Lands 10 be taken into the

  • ■ Road, f5V. Perfons negiefting to treat for the Sale of fuch Lands,. Truftees may affefs the Recom-

" pence by a Jury. The Recompence charged on the Monies granted .by Parliament for making the " Road. 3,000/. to be paid out of the Supplies for the Year 1751, towards making the Road ; i,oco/. " to the Truflrees of Cmnberland, and 2,oco/. to the Truftees of Northumberland. Accounts of the Mo- " nies to be laid before Parliament. When the Road fhall be made. Turnpikes and Toll-hoiifcs are " to be erefted, and Tolls to be taken. One Third of the Tolls only to be tal;en at, any one Toll- 3 " g-itS