Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/478

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45S C. 42. Anno vicefimo quinto Georgii II. A. D. 1752. Ceftuique Trufts, and the refpeclive Mortgagor and Mortgagors, and other Pcrfon and Perfons intitled to any Equity of Redemption, who are or fliall be feifed or poflelted of, or interefted in, ail or any of the Premiites herein before defcribed, or any Part or Parts thereof, to c jnvey the fame refpectively to the faid CommifTioners or Governors of the faid Royal Hofpital, or any feven or more of them, or to fuch Perfon or Perfons as the faid Commiflioners or CJovernors, or any fcven or more of them, (h:ll appoint, ia Truft for the Commiflioners or Governors of the faid Royal Hofpital : And that all Contracts, Agrce- nients, Bargain?, Sales and Conveyances, which fhall be m.^de by fuch Perfons as aforefaid, fhall be good and valid in Law, to all Intents and Purpofes, not only to convey the Eftate and Intereft of the Perfon and Perfons conveying, but alfo to convey all Right, Eitate, Intereft, Ufe, Equity of Redemption, Property, Claim and Dem.and whatfoever, of their feveral and refpeftive Ceftuique Trufts, v/hether Infants or Jlllie unborn, Lunaticks, Ideots, or Femes Covert, or other Perfons whatfoever, and all claiming or to claun by, from or under them, or any of them : And the faid Premifles fo conveyed fhall be, and are hereby de- clared to be vefted in the faid Commiflioners or Governors, or in fuch Perfon or Perfons as by the faid Commiflioners or Governors, or any feven or more of them, fhall be fo appointed as aforefaid, fiom the Time of fuch Conveyance made in Fee-fimple, freed and difcharged of all Claims, Demands, and Equity of Redemption, of any Perfon or Perfons, either at Law or in Equity; any Law, Statute, Ufage, or other Matter or Thing to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding : And that all fuch Perfons as afore- faid, fo conveying as aforefaid, are and (hall be indemnified for what they do, or fhall do, by virtue of or "Where Patties in purfuance of this Aft : And if it Ihall happen that any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Collegiate, i-cfuie to treat, f,r Other Perfon or Perfons feized or poiiefled of or interefted in the faid two Parcels of Land and Premilies

  • -^- before particularly defcribed, or any Part or Parts thereof, upon Notice to them given, or left in Writing

at the Dwelling-houl'e or Houfis, or Place or Places of Abode of fuch Perfon or Perlbns, or of the Head Officer or Officers of fuch Bodies Politick, Corporate or Collegiate, or at the Houfe of the Tenant in Pofleffion of the faid Parcels of Land refpeilively ; or, in cafe the fame be untenanted, by affixing the fame on fom.e notorious Part thereof, ftudl for the Space of twenty-one Days after fuch Notice given, left or affixed as aforefaid, refufe or delay to treat and agree for the Sale and Conveyance thereof, or of their re- fpedlive Eftates and Interefts therein, with the faid Commiflioners or Governors, or any feven or more of them, or with any Perfon or Perfons authorized by them, or any feven or more of them; or fhall refufe to produce a Title to fuch of the PremifTes before defcribed as they are in Pofleffion of, or to the Intereft they claim, to the Satisfaction of the faid Commiffioners or Governors, or any feven or a Jury is to be more of them ; that then and in every luch Cafe it faall and may be lawful to and for the faid Com- iiiipanelled, miffioners or Governors, or any feven or more of them, and they are hereby impowered and autho- rized to iflue a Warrant or Warrants, Precept or Precepts, directed to the Sheriff of the County of Kc-nt for the Time being, who is hereby authorized, diredfed and required accordingly to impanel, fummoa and return a competent Number of honeft, fubftantial and difinterefted Perfons, qualified to ferve on Juries, not lefs than twenty-four, nor more than forty-eight ; and out of fuch Perfons fo to be impanelled, fummoned and returned, a Jury of twelve Perfons fhail be drawn by the faid Commiffioners or Governors, or any feven or mere of them, or by fome Perfon to be by tiiem, or any feven or more of them, for that Purpofe appointed, in fuch Manner as Juries for the Trial of Ifllies in his Majefty's Courts at JFejhibijhr, by an Aft made in the t-iird Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, Jn Acl for the better Re- gulation ofjuriis^ are directed to be drawn; which Perfons fo to be impanelled, fummoned and returned as aforefaid, are hereby required to come and appear before the faid Commiffioners or Got ernors, or aiiy feven or more of them, at iuch Time and Place as in fuch Warrant or Warrants, Precept or Precepts, iliall be direfted and appointed ; and to attend there from Day to Day tiU diicharged by the faid Com- miffioners or Go ernors, or any feven or n>ore of them; and all Parties concerned fhall and may have their lawful Challenges againft any of the faid Jurymen, but iliall not be at Liberty to challenge the Array, for Affinity or any other Caufe whatfoever ; ap.d the laid Commiffioners or Governors, or auv feven or more of them, are hereby authorized by Precept or Precepts, imder their Hands, from Time to Time, as Occafion fliall require, to call before them ail and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, who Ihall be thought proper or necciTary to be examined as a Witnefs or WitnelTes before them, on their Oath or Oaths, or on their folemn Affirmation, if the Perfon or Perfons io to be examined be of the Profeffion of Jury niay view the People called ^lakers, touching and concerning the Premilies ; and the faid Commiffioners or Gover- thePlacem • nors, or any feven or more of them, if they think fit, (hall and may likewife authorize the faid Jury to qutioflj ^jg^^ ^^^ pi^^,g pj. p1jjj;^s^ or Matters in qiieftion, in fuch Manner as they (hall direft ; and the faid Com- miffioners or Governors, or any feven or more of them, (hall have Power to adjourn fuch Meeting from Day to Day, as Occafion fhall require; and to command fuch Jury, Wicneircs and Parties, to attend until all fuch Afi^airs for which they were fummoned fliall be concluded; and the f.iid Jury upon their Oaths (which Oaihs, as alfo the Oaths or folemn Affirmation to fuch Perfon or Perfons as Chall be called upon to give Evidence, the faid Commiffioners or Governors, or any feven or more of tliem, are hereby authorized and impowered to adminifter) (hall inquire of the Value of fuch Premifies before particularly ^^^^^[^■•^^•'^^.^ defcribed, and (hall^aflTefs the Sum or Sums to bj paid for the Purchafe thereof refpeftively; and the faid 3o™bePurch'afc ^cm^i^ioners or Governors, or any feven or more of them, (hall and may give Judgment (ox fuch Sum

  • c. 'and Surns of Money fo to be afle(red ; which laid Verdift or Verdifts, and the faid Judgment, Decree or

Determination thereupon, (Notice in Writing being given to the Perfon or Perfons interefted, at leaft twenty Days before the Time of fuch AlTellrnent, declaring the Time and Place of the Meeting of the faid ■Commiffioners or Governors, and Jury, by leaving fuch Notice at the Dwelling-houfe of fuch Perfon or Perfons, or at his, her or their ufual Place or Places of Abode, or with fome 'i'ejiant or Occupier of the iiild Parcels of Land intended to be valued and aflefled, or b3r fixing fuch Notice on fome notorious Place <an the fame Pxeniifles, in cafe the PrenjilTes are .untenanted, and luch Party caiuxot be found in the faid County