A P P EN D I X. 87 Ex Rot. inTurr. Lond. have ayenft their feith and Ligeaunce dyv's tymes fith the fourth daye of Marche laft paft ftured la- boured and p'voked the Ennemyes of oure feid Sov'eine Lord Kyng Edward the fourth ofowteward landes to Entre into his feid Reame with grete Bataills to Rere Werre ayenft his Aftate within the feid Reame to conquere the fame from his PofTeffion and obeyfaunce to depofe hyrn of Roiall Aftate Corounes and Dignite and to deftroy his moft Noble P'fone and Subgetts And where alfo the fame Margarete and Edward her Sonn and alfo the faid Henry Due of Exeftr' Thomas Grey Lord Rugernond Grey Humfrey Dacre Knyght Edmund Hampden Knyght Rob't Whytingham Knyght Henry Bellingham Knyght and Richard Tunftall Knyght adheryng to the Scotts Ennemys of oure feid Sov'ayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth convened with the fame Scotts procuryng deftryng and wagyng theym to Entre into his feid Reame to make there Werre ayenft his Roiall Magefte bringyng the fame Scotts and Ennemyes to his Cite of Carlile befegyng and Environnyng it brennyng the Subarbes thereof deftroiyng the Houfes habitacions and landes of his Subgetts nyghe therunto in man'e of Conquefte p'pofyng ayenft their feith and Liegeaunce to have delyvered the feid Cite the Key of the Weft Marches of Englond into the PofTeffion and obeyfaunce of the feid Kyng of Scotts and to have fpoiled the Coroune of Englond therof as they didde of the feid Towne of Berwyk And ov'e That where the faid Henry late called Kyng of Englond the Sixt and alfo Thomas Lord Roos Thomas Gray Lord Rugernond Grey Humfrey Dacre Knyght John Fortefcu Knyght William Tailboys Knyght Edmund Mountford Knyght Thomas Neveill late of Brauncepeth in the Byfhopryke of Durham Clerk Humfrey Nevill. late of the fame Squier and Thomas Elwyke late of Caleys Squier the xxvj day of Juyne laft paft at Ryton & Brauncepath in the Bifhopryke of Durh'm with Standardes & Gytons unrolled Rered Werre ayenft our feid Lord Kyng Edward purpofyng to have depofed hym of his Roiall Aftate Coroune & Dignite ayenft their feith & Liegeaunce And forafmoche alfoe as Henry Due of Exceftre J.afper Erie of Pembroke & Thomas Fitzherry late of Hertford Squire at a place called Tutehill befides the Towne of Carnarvan in Wales on Friday next aft' the Feft of Tranllacion of Seint Edward laft paft rered Werre ayenft the fame our Sov'ayne Lord purpofyng then & there to have proceded to his Deftruccion of fals and cruell violence ayenft their feyth & Liegeaunce It be declared & adjuged by the afTent & Advis of the Lordes Sp'uelx_& Temporelx & ConVyns beyng in this prefent Parlement and by Audio— lite of the fame that the feid Henry late called King Henry the Sixt for the .Confideracions of the grete haynoufe & deteftable malice & offenfes afore fpecifyed by hym committed ayenft his feith & liege- aunce to oure feid Liege Lord Kyng Edward the fourth his true right wide and naturall Liege Lord offended and hurte unjuftely & unlawfully the Roiall Magefte of our feid Sov'ayne Lord And that it be Ordeyned & ftablisihed by the feid Advis AfTent & Audtorite that the fame Henry forfet unto the fame oure Liege Lord Kyng Edward the fourth & to the feid Coroune of Englond all Caftelfes Man's Lordftiip's Townes Teunefhip's Honours Landes Ten'tes Rentes Services fee fermes Knyghtes fees Advoufons Hereditaments and Poffeffions with their Appurten'nces which he or any other to his Ufe had the third day of Marche laft paft beyng of the Duchie of Lancaftr' or that were any Parcel 1 or Membre of the fame Duchie or therunto unyed or annexed in the firft Yere of the Reigne of Henry late called Kyng Henry the fift or at any tyme fith And that it be ordeyned and ftabiisfhed by the faid Advis AfTent and Audtorite that the fame Man's Caftelles Lordfhip's Honours Tounes Tounefhips Landes Ten'tes Rents S'vices fee fermes Knyghtes fees Advoufons Heredytaments & PoffelTions with their Appurten'nces in Englond Wales & Calleis & the Marches therof make and from the feid fourth Day of Marche be the feid Duchie of Lancaftr' Cofpcrat and be cal'ed the Duchie of Lancaftr' and that oure feid Sov'ayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth have feafe take hold enjoy and enherit all the fame Manoirs Caftelles & other P'mifTes with their app'tenncez by the fame name of Duchie fro all other his Enheritauncez feperate fro the feid fourth day March to hym and to his Heires Ky'ngs of Englond perpetually and that the Counte of Lancaftr' be a Counte Palatyne and that oure Liege and Sov'ayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth and his Heires have as Parcell of the feid Duchie the fame Countie of Lancaftr' a County Palatyne and a Seale Chaunceller Juges and Officers there for the fame and all manere Lib'tees Cuftumes Lawes Roiall and Fraunchifes in the fame Counte Palatyne lawfully- and Right wifely ufed And ov'e that another Seale called the Seale of the Duchie of Lancaftr' and a Chaunceller for the kepyng therof Officers and Couneeillours for the gidyng and gov'naunce of the fame Duchie and of the p'ticuler Officers Minifters Tenn'tes and Inh'itaunts therof in as grete ample and large forme as Henry callyng himfilf Kyng Henry the fift at any tyme therin had ufed or en- joyed lawfully and that by the fame Audtorite the feid Officers and Minifters and alfo the Tenn'tez and Inh'itauntz of and in the fame Duchie have ufe Exercife and enjoy fuch and all Lib'tees Fraunchifes- Privilegs and Cuftumes as the Officers Minifters Tenn'tes and Inh'itaunts of the fame Duchie had ufed Exc'cifed or enjoyed lawfully in the tyme of the fame Henry callyng himfilf Kyng Henry the fyft And that alfo in the fame Duchie be ufed had and cccupied all fuch Freedoms Libees Franchiies- Cuftumes Privilegs and Jurifdiccions as were ufed therin lawfully afore the feid iiij day of Marche and that the Officers Miniftres Tenn'tes and Inh'itaunts of or in the faid Duchie be Entreated and Demeaned accordyng to the fame Fredomes Lib'tees Fraunchifes Cuftumes Privileges and Jurifdicciens and not'dif- trevned arted or compelled to the cont'ry in any wife And Moreover that it be Ordeyned Demed and Declared by the feid Affent Advis and Audtorite that the feid Margaret for the Confideracions of her Tranfgreffions and Offenfes afore fpecified comitted ayenft her feith and Liegeaunce to the fame oure Sov'ayne and Liege Lord Kyng Edward ftand and be by the feid Advis Affent and Audtorite con- victed and attainted of High Treafon And that the fame Margarete and alfo the feid Edward her Son be unabled and taken holden demed and reputed unahles and Unworthy to have occupie hold en- a. befit
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