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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/562

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83 A P P E N D I X. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. herit or Joy any State name of Dignite P'emynence or Poffeffions within the Reame of Englond afore- fiid in Ireland or Wales in Caleys or in the Marches therof in Fraunce or Guyenne And alfo That the fame Margarete and Edward her Son forfeit to our feid Liege Lord Kyng Edward the fourth all Caftelles Man's Lordfhipps Honoures Landes and Tenementes with their App'ten'c's Goodes and Catelles which they or either of theym or any other to their or either of their Ufe had within the feid Rcame or in Wales aforefaid the feid iiijth day of Marche And alio that the feid Henry Due of Som'fet Thomas Courteney late Erie of Devonshire Henry late Erie of Northumberlond Thomas Lord Roos John late Lord Clyfford and John late Lord Nevill be unabled forever from hensforth to have hold Enherit or Joy any name of Dignite Eftate or P'emynence within the fame Reame in Irlond or Wales or in Caleys or in the Marches thereof and that their Heires be unable to Cleyme or have by. theym any fuch name Eftate or Preemynencc And that they and alfo John Whelpdale Clerk Philip Lovvys Cleric Bawdewyn Fulforth Knyght Alexander Hody Knyght Nicholas Latymer Knyght James Loterell Knyght Edmund Mountford Knyght Thomas Fyndern Knyght Henry Lowes Knyght John Heron of the Ford Knyght Richard Tunftall Knyght Henry Belyngeham Knyght Thomas Fyndern Knyght Robert Whityngham Knyght William Grymmefby late Squier Thomas Tunftall Squier Sy- mond Hammes Knyght Thomas Dalton Gentilman Gawen Lamplew Gentilman Edmund Fifh Tho- mas Fuzell John Emochyng Yeomen John Caterall Thomas Barton late of Helmefley William Fyppes Henry Clyff Rob't Tomlynfon & Thomas Barton of York Mafon for their Traitours cruell and hor- rible Murdre of the feid Right Noble Prynce Due of York afore declared ftand & be Convycled and Attaynted of High Treafon and forfeit to the Kyng and his heires all the Caftelx Mari's Lordfhips Landes Ten'tes Rentes S'vices Fees Advoufons Hereditaments and Poffeffions with their App'ten'ncez which they or any of theym aforefeyd attaynted or any other P'fone or P'fones Feoffees to the ufe or behofe of any of the feid P'fones fo attaynted had the fame day lawfuJl Caufe of Entre within Englond Irlond or Wales or the Marches therof oute of the Lib'te of the Bisfhopryke of Durh'm that is to fey bitwene the wat's of Tyne and Teefe and in the Places called Northamlhire and Bedelyntonfhire within the Counte of Northumb'lond in the which Lib'tee & Places the Bifhop of Durham and his P'deceffours of tyme that noo mynde is have had Roial Right & Forfeiture of Werre in the Right of the Chirch Cathedrall of Seint Cuthbert of Durh'm as by Concord of Parlement in tyme of the Noble Progenitours of oure feid Sov'ayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth it hath bene Affented And alio it is Ordeyned and Eftablisfhed in this prefent Parlement by th' avis & affent of the Lordes Sp'uell & Ternporell & Com'yns of this Reame in the fame Parlement affembled that all Man's Landes Ten'tes Rentes Reverfions Poffeffions and other Inheritements of which any P'fone or P'fones aforenamed by this p'fente Acle Attaynte were feifed or had any Aftate Title Right Int'effe or Poffeffion fool by theym- felf cr joyntly with other the xxjx Day of the faid Moneth of Decembr' To the Ufe Profitte or be- hofe of any P'fone or P'fones by this prefent Acle not Attaynted be not forfeited nor forfeitable in any wife to the Kyng nor to his Heires nor to the feid Bifhop nor to his Succeffours nor feifible into any of their Handes by this p'fent Acte but utterly be Excepted and forprized out of the fame and that ail fuch Eftate Title Right Int'effe and Poffeffion which any of the feid P'fone or P'fones by this Acle Atteynted had the feid xxjx Day in any Man's Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeffions and other Inherite- ments to the Ufe P'fitte or behofe of any P'fone or P'fones by this Acte not atteynted grewe come and be to every of the fame P'fone or P'fones by this Acte not Atteynted and to their Pleires and in the fame P'fone or P'fones and their Heires be vefted and they therin be Entitled in fuch Wyfe forme and man' of Eftate Title Right and Poffeffion as the faid P'ione and P'fones by this Acle Atteynted of rny of theym were feifed Entitled or poffeffed of or in the fame Manoirs Landes Ten'tes Rentes Pof- feffions or other Inheritements or any of theym to the Ufe P'fitte or behofe of any of the feid P'fones not Attaynted by this Acle And that all fuch Eftate Title Right Intereffe and Poffeffion which any of the faid Perfones by this Acte Atteynted had the feid xxix Day in any Man's Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeffions or other Inheritements joyntly with any other P'lbne or P'fones by this Acle not Attaynted To the Ufe P'fitte or behofe of any P'fone or P'fones by this fame Acfte not Attaynted giowe come and. be to the fame P'fone or P'fones with whom any of the feid P'fones in man'e afore- teic! attaynted had fuch joynt Aftate Right Title Intereffe or Poffeffion the faid xxix Day and in theym to be vefted and they therin fooly without any of the feid P'fones foo Attaynted Intitled feifed & pof- feffed And that it bee leefull to every P'fone cr P'fones by this Acte not Attaynted to whofe Ufe any of the feid P'fones in the forme aforefaid attaynted had any Eftate Right Title Int'effe or Poffeffion in any Man's Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeffions or other Inheritements to Enter into the fame into whos Poffeffion foever They be feifed or corneas well uppon the Poffeffion of the Kyng oure Sov'ayne Lord as uppon the Poffeffion of any other P'fone or P'fones by this Ad not Attaynted and theym have and Enjoye accordyng to the Right Title Int'effe & Poffeffion which any P'fone or P'fones by this Acle Atteynted had in the fame the feid xxix Day to the Ufe P'fitte or behofe of theym or of any of theym aforefaid by this Acle not Attaynted And alfo that it be leefull to every P'fone or P'fones by this Acle not Attaynted with whome eny of the feid P'fones in manere aforefeid by this Acle Atteynted hadde any joynte Aftate Right Title Intereffe or Poffeffion in any Man's Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeffions or other Inheritements the feid xxix Day To the Ufe Profitte or behofe of eny P'fone or P'fones by this Acte not Attaynted to enter into the'fame Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeffions and other In- heritements into whoos Poffeffion foev'r they be feifed or come as well uppon the of the Kyng oure Sov'ayne Lord as uppon the Pofleffion of any other P'fone or P'fones by this Acle not At- taynted aad the fame Man's Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeffions and other Inheritements in theym be vefted