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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/563

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A P P E N D I X. 89 Ex Rot. inTurr. Lond. vetted and they therein fooly withoute any of the feid P'fones foo Attaynted entitled feifed and poffeffed favying to every of the Kynges Lieges and their Heires other then been Attaynted by this Adte & their Heires clayming any Inheritaunce by theym or any of theym foo Attaynted their Right Title and Int'effe of and in all fuch Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeflions and all other Inheritements of which any of the feid P'fons foo attaynted was feifed by theymfilf or joyntly with other in man'e aforefeid or in any otherwife to the Ufe and behofe of any other P'fone or P'fones not Atteynted by this Adte the feid xxix Day. And Moreover it is Ordeyned and Eftablifhed by the faid Advis Affent and Auc- torite that every of the Wyfes of every of the faid Perfone or P'fones now lyvyng by this Adte At- teynted and every fuch Woman as was the Wyf of eny of the faid P'fones nowe Dede by this Adte Atteynted which Wyfes or other Wymmen were borne under the Obeyfaunce of the Coroune of Englond in any Place oute of the Reame of Fraunce and of the Duchie of Normandy ot Borne oute of this Reame and lawfully bigoten by any Englishman after the Deth of theire Hufbondes frely enjoy have and poffede all their owne Inheritaunc's to theym and to their Heires other than been Attaynted by this Act and all Mann'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeflions and other Inherite- ments wherof they or any of theym the faid xxix Day of Decembr' in any wife were Seifed or PofTeffed in their owne Right State or Poffeflion or joyntly with any of their feid Husbondes or with eny other P'fon or P'fones or of which any P'fone or P'fones were Seifed to the Ufe of eny of the feid Wymmen after the forme and man'e and in like Eftate as they or any of theym were entitled in the fame the feid xxix Day and that duryng their Aftates hit be not feifible into the Kynges handes nor the Kyng to be Anfwered of any Iffues and Profittes therof the fame Aftates duryng by reafon of this Adte And that it be lewfull to every of the faid Wyfes & Wymmen and to every of their Heires by yis Adte not Attaynted to Entre into the fame Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeflions & other Inheritements into whos Poffeflion foev'r they be feafed or come as well uppon ye Poffeflion of the Kyng o'r Sov'ayne Lorde as uppon the Poffeflion of any o'r P'fone or P'fones by this Adte not At- teynted & theym & ev'ry of theym hold &c enjoy to theym and to their Heires by this Adte not At- teynted According to their Title & Int'effe in the fame Savyng to ev'ry of the Kynges Lieges and their Heires other than fuch as been Attaynted by this Adte and their He:res enclayming any Inhe- ritaunce by theym or any of theym foo attaynted or other havyng any Tytle Right or Int'effe in any of the fame Man'rs Londes Ten'tes and Poffeflions or other Inheritance to the Ufe of any of theym foo attaynted the Title Right and Int'effe of the fame Lieges and their heires of and in all fuch Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeflions and all other Inheritements of which eny of the feid P'fones foe At- taynted was feifed by theymfilf or joyntly with other the feid xxix Day And alfo it is Ordeyned and Eftablifhed by the feid Advis Affent and Audtorite that yf any of the feid P'fones by this Adte Atteynted have made any Eftate Feoffement or difcontynuance of any Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeflions and other Inheritements whereof they or any of theym were Seifed or Poffeffed in the Right of any of their Wyfes at the tyme of fuch Aftates Feofments or difcontynuance made to eny P'fone or P'fones in eny wife that the feid Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeflions and other Inheritements -be not comprifed in this Adte but utterly be excepted & forprifed oute of the fame And that the Right & Title of every of the feid Wyfes of & in all fuch londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeflions and other Inheritements be & reft in ev'ry of the feid Wyfes and they to be at her Accions & Recov'ees of the fame & every Parcell therof Ac- ; cordying to the Courfe of the Comyn Lawe of Englond this Adte or any other Adte or any other Adte or Orden'nce in this prefent Parlement made or to be made notwithftanding And that the feid Henry, Due of Exceftr' Henry Due of Som'fet Thomas Courteney late Erie of Devonfhire Henry late Erie -of Northumberlond Jafper Erie of Pembroke James late Erie of Wiltefhire William Vicecount Beau- mont Thomas Lord Roos John late Lord Welles John late Lord Nevill Thomas Grey Lord Ruge- mond Grey and Randolph late Lord Dacre for their Traitours Offences and Tranfgreflions above fpe- ciried comytted ayenft the Aftate Coroune and Dignite of oure feid Sov'ayne and Liege Lord Kyng ; Edward the fourth ayenft their feith and Liegeaunce be unabled ever from hensforth to have hold enherit or Joy any name of Dignite Eftate or P'emynence within Englond Irelond or Wales or Caleys or in the Marches thereof And that their Heires be unable to Cleyme or have by theym any fuch name Aftate or P'emynence And that they and alfo the feid John Moreton Clerk Rauff Makerell Clerk Thomas Mannyng Clerk John Whelpdale Clerk John Nayler Squier John Moreton Preeft Robert Ellfeild then of John Lax Clerk Philip Lowys Clerk Humphrey Dacre Knyght Philip Wentworth Knyght John Fortefcu Knyght William Tailboys Knyght Edmund Mountford Knyght Thomas Trefham Knyght William Vaux Knyght, Edmund Hampden Knyght Thomas Fyndern Knyght John Courteney Knyght Henry Lewes Knyght Nicholas Latymer Knyght Walter Notchill Squier Thomas Claymond John Ormond otherwife called John Botillier Knyght William Mille Knyght William Holancl otherwife called the Baftard of Exceftr' Knyght Thomas Entryngham Knyght Henry Roos Knyght Humfrey Nevill Squier William Jofep Squier Ev'rard Dygby Squier John Myrfyn Squier Thomas Phelip Squier Thomas Brampton Squier Gyles Seyntlowe Squier John Aldeley Squier Thomas Crawford Squier John Lenche Squier Thomas Brymound Knyght Robert Bellyngeham Squier Thomas Danyell Squier William Waynesford Squier Edward Ellefmere Squier John Tofkyn Squier Richard Everyngham Squier Thomas Cornwayll Squier Thomas Elwyke Squier Thomas Fitzherry Squier John Penycock John Doubiggyng Gentilman Richard Kyrkeby GentiL man John Beaumont Gentilman Henry Beaumont Gentilman Robert Bellyng Richard Fulnaby Raulph Chernok John Maydenwell Gentilman Thomas Litley Grocer William Ackewcrth Richard Stucley Roger Wharton John Daufon Yoman Henry Spencer Yoman Richard Liteftr' Yoman Thomas Carre Yoman ' APPEND. 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