go APPENDIX. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. Rob't Baclcale Yoman John Chapman Yoman Laurence Hyll Yoman Richard Gayteford and Richard 1 Cokerell for their Traitours OfFenfes and Tranfgreffions afore declared com'itted and doon ayenft the faid Aftate Coroune and Dignite of oure feid Sov'rayne Lord Kyng Edward the,fourth ftand and be convycled of High Treafon and forfeit all the Caftelles Man'ors Londes Lordfhipps Ten'tes Rentes S'vices Fees Ad- voulons Hereditaments and Pofleffions with their App'ten'c's which they or any of theym had of Eftate of Enheritaunceor eny other to their or eny of their Ufe hadde the feid iiij th Day of March or into which they or any of theym aforefeid attaynted or any other P'fone or P'fones Feoffees To the Ufe or behofe of any of the feid P'fones foo attaynted had the fame iiij [h Day of Marche lawfull Caufe of Entre within Englond Ir- lond or Wales or Caleys or in the Marches therof oute of the Lib'tee of the Bisfhoprike of Durh'm that is to fey betwene the Water of Tyne and Teefe and in the Places called Northamfhire and Bedlyntonfhire within the Counte of Northumb'lond in the which Lib'tee and Places the Bifhop' of Durh'm and his P'edeceffours of tyme that noo mynde is have had Roiall Right and Forfeiture of Werre in the Right of the Chirch Cathedrall of Seynt Cuthbert of Durham as by Concorde Parlement in tyme of the noble Progenitouis of oure feid Sov'ayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth hit hath been affented and over that it be Ordeyned Graunted and Stablifhed by the feid Advis Affent and Auclorite that every P'fone by any Acle made in this prefent Parlement Atteynted of Treafon Ayenft our feid Liege and Sov'ayne Lord forfeit to the Reverende Fader in God Laurence nowe Bisfhop of Durh'm and to his Succeffours in the Right of Chirch Cathedrall of Seint Cuthbert of Durh'm All the Man'rs Londes Ten'tes and other Pofleffions and Hereditaments with their Appurtennces which they or any other to their or any of their Ufe have within the feid Lib'tee that is to fey bitwixt the faid Waters of Tyne and Teefe within the feid Places called Northamfhire & Bedelyngtonfhire the feid iiij th Day of Marche And alfo it is Ordeyn- ed and Eftablilhed in this p'fent Parlement by thavis and Affent of the Lordes Sp'uell and Temporell and Com'yns of this Reame in the fame Parlement aflembled that all Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Rev'fions Pofleffions and other Inheritements of which any P'fone or P'fones aforenamed by this prefente Acle at- taynted were feifed or had any Aftate Title Right Intereffe or Poffeffion Sool by theymfilf or Joyntly with other the fourth Day of the feid Month of Marche to the Ufe Profitte or behofe of eny P'fone or P'fones by this p'fente Adte not Atteynted be not forfeited nor forfeitable in any wife to the Kyng nor to his Heires nor to the feid Bifhop' nor to his Succeffors nor feifible into any or their Handes by this pre- fent Acle but utterly be excepted and foreprifed oute of the fame And that all fuch Eftate Title Right Intereffe and Poffeffion which any of the feid P'fone or P'fones by this Acle attaynted had the feid iiij th Day in any Mann'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeffions and other Inheritements to the Ufe Profitte or Behofe of any P'fone or P'fones by this Acle not attaynted growe come and be to Every of the fame Perfone or P'fones by this Acle not Attaynted and to their Heires And in the fame P'fone or P'fones and their Heires be vefted and they therin be Entitled in fuch wife fourme and mannere of Eftate Title Right and Poffeffion as the feid P'fone or P'fones by this Acle atteynted or any of theym were feifed in- titled or poffeffed off or in the fame Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Peffeffions or other Inheritements or any of theym To the Ufe Profitte or behoofe of any of the feid P'fones not Attaynted by this Acle And that all fuch Eftate Title Right Interefle and Poffeffions or other Inheritements joyntly with any other P'fone or P'fones by this Acle not Attaynted To the Ufe Profitte or behofe of eny P'fon or P'fones by this fame Acle not attaynted growe come and be to the fame P'fone or P'fones with whom eny of the feid P'fones in manere aforefeid Atteynted had fuch joynt Eftate Right Title Intereffe or Poffeffion the feid fourth Day and in theym be vefted and they therin fooly withoute any of the feid P'fones foo Attaynted Intitled Seifed or Poffeffed and that it be leefull to every P'fone or P'fones by this Acle not Atteynted to whofe Ufe any of the feid P'fones in the forme aforefeid Attaynted had any Eftate Right Title In- tereffe or Poffeffion in any Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeffions or other Inheritements to Entre" Into the into whofe Poffeffion foever they be feifed or come afwell upon the Poffeffion of the Kyng oure Sov'rayne Lord as uppon the Poffeffion of any other P'fone or P'fones by this Acle not Attaynted and theym have and Enjoye Accordyng to the Right Title Intereffe and Poffeffion which any P'fone or P'fones by this Acl Attaynted had in the fame the feid fourth Day to ye Ufe Proffitte or behofe of yeym or any of yeym aforefeid by yis Acle not Attaynted And alfo that it be leeful to every P'fone or P'fones by this Acle not Attaynted with whome any of the feid P'fones in man'r aforefaid by this Acle Attaynted had any joynt Aftate Right Title Intereffe or Poffeffion in any Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeffions or other Inheritements the feid iiij th Day To the Ufe Profitt or behofe of eny P'fone or P'fones by yis Acle not Attaynted to Entre into ye fame Man'rs Londes Ten'tez Rentez Poffeffions and o'r Inheritementz into whofe Poffeffion foever they be feafed or come as well uppon the Poffeffion of ye Kyng our Soverayn Lord as uppon ye Poffeffion of any o'r P'fone or P'fones by yis Acle not Attaynted And ye fame Man'rs Londes Ten'tez Rentez Pofleffions & o'r Inheritements in yeym be vefted yey Vem foly w't'out eny of the feid P'fones fo Attaynted Entitled Sc Poffeffed Savyng to every of the Kyngs Lieges and their Heires other then been Attaynted by this Acle and their Heires clayming any Inheritance by theym or any of theym foo Attaynted their Right Title & Int'reffe of and in all fuch Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeffions and all other Inheritements of which any of the faid P'fones foo Attaynted was feifid by theymfilf or joyntly with other in man 're aforefeid or in any otherwife to the Ufe & behofe of any other P'lone or P'iones not atteynted by this Acle the feid fourth day And more- over it is Ordeyned 'and Eftablilhed by the feid Advis Affent and Auclorite that ev'ry of the Wyfes of every of the feid P'fone or P'fones now lyvyng by this Acle Atteynted and every fuch Woman as was the Wyf of any of the feid P'fones now dede by this Acle Attaynted whych Wyfes or other Wym- men
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