A.D. 1762. Anno tertio Georgii III. C. 16. 41 THE FORM. A. N° I. Greenwich Hofpital. S I ■D PAY to B. D. of in the County of Out-Penfioner The Form. of Greenwich Hofpital, upon producing the Duplicate hereof, together with a Certificate nder the Hands of the Minifter and Churchwardens, or in that Part of Great Britain called Scot- land under the Hands of the Minifter and two Elders of the Parifh where the faid B. D. refides, that the faid B. D. to the beft of their Knowledge and Belief, is the Perfon named in fuch Bill, the Sum of being on account of the Out-Penfion of the faid B. D. if the fame fhall be demanded within fix Calendar Months from the Date hereof; otherwife you are to return this Bill to the Treafurer of the Royal Hofpital at Greenwich, at the faid Hofpital.' ?oi "The Receiver General of the Land Tax of the County of The Colletlor of the Cuftoms at the Port of Signed (A. B.J Treafurer of the Royal Hofpi- tal at Greenwich, or his Firft Clerk. Attefted (C. D.) Steward or Clerk of the Cheque of the Royal Hofpital at Greenwich. The Colletlor of the Excife at The Clerk of the Cheque at By Virtue of the Act of the third of King George the Third. jV B. The perfonating or fairly affuming the Name and Character of any Out-Penfioner of Greenwich Hofpital, in order to receive the Out Penfion due to fuch Out Penfioner, or pro- curing any other to do the fame, is made Felony without Benefit of Clergy, by third of King George the Third. And as foon as the faid Bills fhall be fo made out and figned, the faid Treafurer fhall caufe them to Bills to be cut afuntfer ; be cut afunder indentwife, through the oblique Lines, Flourifhes or Devices ; and fhall caufe one one to be tranfmitted 10 of the faid Bills to be tranfmitted forthwith to the Perfon nominated and fpecified in fuch Bills, and the Perfon nominated in the other of the faid Bills to be tranfmitted forthwith to the faid Receiver General of the Land jo e ,h"^ r fo™„ h w h°om r Tax, Collector of the Cuftoms, Collector of the Excife, or Clerk of the Cheque, on whom fuch the'fam^isTrawrT ° m Bill (hall be fo drawn as aforefaid : And the faid Receiver General of the Land Tax, Collector of the Cuftoms, Collector of the Excife, and Clerk of the Cheque, if the faid Duplicates of fuch Bill Duplicate and Ceitificate fhall be produced and delivered to either of them respectively within fix Calendar Months from the t0 be examined when Date thereof, are hereby required and enjoined to Examine fuch Duplicate, together with the Cer- J^^oadf " ^ " S ' tificate to be produced as aforefaid ; and to enquire into the Truth thereof, by the Oath of the Per- ' ' fon producing the fame j which Oath they are hereby refpedtively authorized and required to admi- nifter; and upon being duly fatisfied of the Truth of fuch Certificate, to teftify the f.ime on the an d teflified on the Back Back of fuch Bill ; and fhall immediately pay to fuch Out Penfioner,_without Fee or Reward on thereof; any Pretence Back thereof; of the Navy, Land Tax, Collector of the Cuftoms, Collector of the Excife, or Clerk of the Cheque, or to the Order of any fuch Receiver General, Collector of the Cuftoms, Collector of the Excife, or Clerk ' of the Cheque refpedtively : But in Cafe the Duplicate of fuch Bill fhall not be produced and deli- If the Duplicate and Cer- vered, and the Payment thereof be demanded, within fix Calendar Months from the Date thereof, tificate be not produced, or if a proper Certificate of the Perfon claiming fuch Out Penfion be not likewife produced, then and Payment demanded the faid Receiver General, Colleaor of the Cuitoms, Collector of the Excife, or Clerk of the wlth,n 6 Months > Cheque, fhall return fuch Bill to the Treafurer of the faid Hofpital at Greenwich, at the faid Hofpi--the Bill to be returned tal, who fhall caufe fuch Bill to be cancelled; and from and after the cancelling the fame, fuch "> lhe Treafurer of the Part of the faid Penfion {hall accrue and become payable, in like Manner as if the faid Bill had not Navy ' and can « lied - been made out. IV. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any if the; e (hall be a want fuch Receiver General, Collector of the Cuftoms, Collector of the Excife, or Clerk of the Cheque, of Money when any to whom the Duplicate of any of the Bills herein before directed to be made out fhall be tendered fuih Bn """ De <ender- for Payment, A.3II not then have in his Hands publick Money fufficient to anfwer the fame, and ed torPa J ment > fhall refufe or delay the immediate Payment thereof, fuch Receiver General, Collector of the Cu- the Day of its being ten- ftoms, Collector of the Excife, or Clerk of the Cheque, fhall immediately indorfe on the B.ick of dered ' and theCaufe °. f the faid Duplicate the Day of its being fo tendered to him, and the Caufe of his Refufal or Delay ^ d P ?h™eon "naV"" to pay the fame ; and fhall appoint thereon, for the Payment of fuch Bill, fome futue Day, within Day to be fixed'for the the Space of two Months at the fartheft from the Day of its having been firft tendered to him as Payment. Vol IX. G aforefaid j