Page:Saint's faith in Christ.pdf/4

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Sure I am weak and fainting both,
And thereby pained ſore;
O let me have theſe ſtreams divine,
That I may thirſt no more.
O that unto the well of life]
I might ſet to my head,
That I might drink and draw my fill,
According to my need.
That ſweet and pleaſant voice which doth
Like many waters found,
That freſh and lovely breath of thine,
Which doth in ſtrength abound:
The ſmell of all thy garments do
New life in them contain ;
Which makes the dead and lifeleſs heart
Ariſe, and live again.
O living, loving, lovely one,
Thy love is raviſhing;
O height and depth, and length of love
Which heaven doth with it bring.
Love was Thy death, Thy love's my life
Which broughteſt life to me :
Give me Thy love, Thy love's my all
Unto eternity.
My bowels for Thee earn, my ſoul
For Thee doth pain fuſtain ;
O do thou ſet me on Thy heart,

Let me there ſtill remain;