Page:Saint's faith in Christ.pdf/5

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That I may live on love at will,
That love may me incloſe;
That I may feed upon the ſweet
Of that pure Sharon roſe.
O precious and lovely one,
Thy love is ſweet to me,
And pow'rful upon my heart
I do it find to be.
O that I had my fill of love,
I long for more of Thee;
I love the Lord, doſt thou love me?
Can theſe two parted be;
Thy powerful and mighty love
My froward heart hath won,
And now my ſoul is captive led,
And all that's me within.
I think all men, and devils too,
Before thy love will bow,
If therefore thy allurements thou
Would'ſt upon them beſtow.
O fairer far than fons of men,
Thou never fades away;
Of beauty the perfection
In Thee doth ever ſtay.
The ſcatt'red beauties every one,
Which here below we ſee,
Are all thy handy-work each one,

By Thee ordain'd be.