Page:Saint's faith in Christ.pdf/6

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( 6 )

That glorious beauty it doth ſhine,
In heaven, about the throne,
The brightneſs of that glory there
Proceeds from thee alone.
By thee the heavenly palaces
Were beautified of old ;
By Thee the New Jeruſalem
Looks like tranſparent gold.
O glory, glory, ev'ry where,
There many glories be ;
Of all the glory that is there,
The glory ſure is he.
The ſun and moon ſhall dark'ned be ;
The ſtars ſhall ceaſe to ſhine :
All other glories dark'ned be ;
None laſting is but thine.
O happy they for ever more,
That may ſtand by and ſee
The glories of thy countenance
Unto eternity,
Thy name is rightly wonderful,
All wonders in thee be;
Yea only wonderful thou art,
All wonders are in thee,
While I at greater diſtance ſtand,
And farther am from thee
The favour of thy name alone

Is pleaſant unto me.