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§ 218-219. 218. The former part of a tatpurusha may also be an ad- The former verb or a particle. Panc. 59 gara: (the matter of late), Kathas. member is or a par- an adverh 6, 165 afafaucent: (flags, waving from every house), ibid. 25, 29 a [viz. gf] = à sammen (and I have to go from necessity to that town), Kumaras. 3, 4 tetang: (by very long penance). ticle. 162 EGI. Among the particles several are noticed by Pânini, viz. forry [2, 1, 25], æf [ibid. 27], the negation [2, 2, 6], [2, 2, 7], a a [2, 1, 64], , the particles styled gati" and such particles as , #, when meaning a little,"; ç;, ¤à [2, 2, 18] ¹) cp. 210 at the end. So : (died of himself), n (half done), (a little no brahman" or none but a brahman," elevated), af: (a great-grandfather), : (a good man), (a wicked man), etc. 219. The former member is being compounded with some noun, especially 2 and OF 1 Some relative pronouns and adverbs are likewise fit for 7 and 8. P. 2, 1, is a participle in as . Those beginning with are the most common, PIENOH, OPTERI to age), or their second member (as said)²), Examples: Mhbh, 1, 145, 16 mg (go back, each to his own house), ibid. 1, 149, 1 ..... quatre gros (be sent a man, as was agreed before); R. 3, 13, 25 atafar (on the way, as has been pointed out), Dag. 151 344 merunt : uff (when having got the opportunity he will discharge this affair by such means, as are fit), Panc. 295 auffée auch: they are either adverbs of the type (according to time, - 1 tana. Examples of man. Panc. 276 3: n ulasia qual van (from this day, I have given my own self to you for my whole lifetime), KAç. on P. 2, 1, 8 zuá arauaga (invite of the brahmans according to the number of the vessels), Panc, 54 áT* (conformably to the rules, taught by Vâtsyâyama). az - , ing (easy to be done), n (hard to be done) and the like, see P. 3, 3, 126-190. 1) As to , 2) Panini (2, 1, 7) mentions only the former type.